Chapter 9: Fascinations

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As Mary was at home, getting ready for the evening, she reflected on the odd events of the day. Foremost was the fact that the Cobra's were now, suspiciously, spending time with her friends. Not that, that is a bad thing, it's just rather odd. Before now, they've all been friendly in passing. Not a big deal. They never really acknowledged each other's presence. Again, it's not a bad thing. It's only a little out of the blue. But Mary attributed this new found whatever to the break  up of Ali and Johnny. 

Stranger still is Dutch showing up in Home Ec, of all places. From the time he entered class, his presence filled the room and commanded attention. Who knew he could follow directions, and actually cook? Although canning isn't really cooking, it's just a cooking skill. But still... She has to wonder how he will fair when the class has to bake a cake. No worse than her, she's sure of it. In fact she actually looked forward to seeing what Dutch can do, apart from his  friends. 

Then there was the super awkward exchange with Bobby. First, was the arm rub which set her on fire. Then came the smoldering look he gave her afterwards. The whole sensuous thing made her feel like hot butter melting on toast. Shivers ran over her from the thought of it. But if he could do those tender things, then why would Bobby say what he did to her? Sweaty with big, poofy hair.... Just what every girl wants the man of her dreams to say. That is a cringe-worthy thought indeed.

But next was PE. Oh PE was really something! It started with everyone having to run five dreadful laps, in the scorching heat. She, Gwen, and Ashley opted to walk at the back of the big group instead. Lori and Gemma are lucky they have PE earlier in the day, when it wasn't as hot out. She would gladly trade places with either of them, or better yet just put her on library shelving duty.

When everyone, except the walkers, were on their final lap the Cobra's rounded the corner. They specifically came near Mary and the girls. While rounding Bobby slowed his pace down, turned around, and babbled out "Hi Mary." Then he gave her a wink, and sped up again. Mary remembered standing there breathless, admiring the way his muscles rippled as he ran. Her heart sped up too and the butterflies returned to her stomach.

Of course Ash and Gwen wanted to talk about that wink. All she could think about was that wink, until the boys started playing soccer. That's when the real drama began. The cheerleaders were practicing in the background, doing cheer stuff. But the Cobras... Oh the Cobras! The boys were kicking the ball around with their shirts off. Mary could admit Bobby looks SO hot. His toned abs and muscles, his sculpted chest... Calgon take her away. As she admired him, he noticed her checking him out. He gave her another wink and she turned her around so fast she could have gotten whiplash. Her face turned beet red, and not from the heat.

Her friends had decided to sit on the ground and watch. She joined them. Other non-cheer girls sat with them too. As they were all talking about friends, boys, school clubs, fashion trends, etc. Mary noticed Johnny give a kill sign to Bobby. She looked at Bobby, as he played soccer, and noticed he tripped the new boy (Daniel). A scuffle ensued, with Daniel getting thrown off the field. The Cobra's were standing there looking wolfish and cheeky about the whole thing. 

Now the group of girls had something new to talk about. "Oh my gosh did you see that?"  "Bobby really got him good." "It's just like those Cobra's striking at the victim unaware." "Always causing trouble." "Just so violent." "Total bunch of degenerates." "The new boy had it coming though." "The new kid needs to watch his back, for sure." "I think Ali's dating that new guy." "Now that Johnny's single, do I have a chance?"

Mary remembered thinking at the time that's so unlike Bobby. Why would he do that? What did that new kid do to the Cobra's, to make them lash out so?  She also remembered making eye contact with Bobby after that and shaking her head, in disappointment. She saw Bobby's smile fall at this. She knows he knew it was wrong of him to do. So why'd he do it?

A final thing Mary reflected on was after she had changed back out. What happened on her way to final period study hall was just as equally as fascinating. She had parted ways with Ash and Gwen, and happened to be walking alone. She was reaching into her tote for lipgloss. This is when she noticed Bobby and Johnny heading to their class, as well. 

Of course it happened to be in the direction of her study hall. As they passed her, they both said "hello" and "see you this afternoon". But Bobby stopped then. He turned and locked his blue eyes with her own hazel ones. It sent her butterflies into warp speed and her heart racing. 

His eyes are the most expressive eyes she's ever seen. But when he looked right at her, it's like those eyes were filled with pleading. It's like they were begging her to understand and forgive him. It was a fast, hot minute. She nodded and smiled. A huge grin broke out on his face. And she wanted nothing more than to run to him and throw her arms around his waist and hold him. She could swear he felt the same way. Then the moment was broken with some guy saying his name and patting his shoulder. He turned then and continued walking off, leaving a stunned Mary behind.

This whole day has been super unusual. Different can be  good. It  just takes time to break-in what's new and make it familiar. But does she want this to be familiar? Perhaps so... 

At that Mary decided on wearing a blue, pink, white, and purple plaid shorts jumpsuit (with pink jelly sandals). She did her make-up and her hair, threw on her jewelry, and phoned to see when Ash was leaving. Armed with that information, she went to Lori's room. She grabbed her sister, put a bottle of water in her big tote, and they headed out the door; to the mall.

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