Chapter 38: Dashing In What

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Bobby got to school early Thursday morning. His mind is running 90 miles a minute. After he dropped Mary off at her house, he kept replaying what was said between them. However, it's what's left unsaid that he thought about the most.  

Hopping off his bike, he greeted the guys good morning. Immediately, Johnny noticed his friend's clenched jaw, and anxious stance. "What's up with you man? You seem uptight. You aren't worried about the tournament, are you?" he asked.

Bobby massaged the back of his neck. "I did something man... something big," he stated.

Dutch gave his friend a disapproving look.  "Bobby, tell me you didn't get drunk and pass out on a pool float... again... in the pool?" he questioned.

Tommy and Jimmy started laughing. They remembered that time all too well. He narrowed his eyes at all his friends. "It was one time guys... one time. And no that's not what I did. This is huge and it has potential long lasting effects." His shoulders slumped a little.

Johnny studied his friend's posture and agitated state. He pressed for answers, "Alright, you're worrying me. What did you do man?"  

He gazed into the distance with a faraway expression, and bit his lip, before he spoke. "This stays strictly between us," he warned them all.

 Tommy clapped him on the shoulder. "You finally did the deed with Mary. I knew you would. It was only a matter of time. So, how was it?"

He nudged Tommy with his arm and waved him off. "No, not that you goob. So, I basically asked her to marry me last night."

All their jaws dropped at least two feet. "I'm sorry man, but can you repeat that? Because it sounded like you said you proposed to her," reiterated a stunned Jimmy.

Bobby repeated what he said, and also told them about last night's conversation. "Well, are you all going to stand there looking shocked, or are you going to say something useful?" he urged. 

"What does one say to that man? I just don't know," said an equally floored Tommy.

Johnny was completely bowled over. He looked like a bat blinded by the sun. "Of all the things I expected you to say, proposing was not one of them. I realize it's a totally different situation, but... you know I was going to propose to Ali and I don't have to remind you how it turned out. I just think it's worth mentioning though."

Looking at Dutch, Bobby prompted "What about you? Aren't you going to say anything?"

Dutch was like the others, astonished. He did manage to articulate, "Are you sure man? I mean marriage is a BIG freakin' deal. It's obvious the two of you love each other, in ways I can't explain. You fit together and just make sense. But marriage... You have the rest of your life to live with one person. Are you sure Bobby, because you can't take it back? And there's college... What if you find the perfect girl there?"

Chuckling Bobby said, "You know people seriously underestimate you Dutch. There's a lot going on inside that brain of yours."

The others agreed with him. "Yeah I know. I need a warning label... dangerous when focused," he stated proudly. 

"Seriously though, I've thought about all you mentioned. I've thought about college and those what if's. I've thought about all the struggles of newly married couples. I've thought about it and I  come to the same conclusion each time. It's crazy. It doesn't make sense, but it's right. I love her and I can't live without her. So, I put it all out there and left nothing on the line (except my heart). I mean we have five more months anyway," he admitted. He ran his fingers through his hair. 

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