Chapter 52: Intellectual Badass

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The engagement pictures were taken, much to Bobby's displeasure. Fern had a hand in choosing their outfits, and the location. Both Mary and Bobby wanted to take casual, informal pictures. Pictures with a relaxed vibe. Fern did not. He thought the pictures should be more elegant, but Mary overruled him. Begrudgingly he went along with her plan. Fern told them both to wear jeans and T-shirts. Since the color of their jeans would match, Fern ha them pick out two contrasting colors on top. Mary wore white and Bobby wore red. Fern huffed and  puffed about "simple pictures" and "simple outfits".

However, when he saw Mary's house, yard, and beach his eyes lit up. Instantly any thoughts of "simple" were kissed goodbye. "You have one of the most stunning landscapes I have ever seen! From the grounds to the house itself, it's something out of a picture book. This will do nicely! You must have the reception here," he said with a commanding voice. He clapped his hands and his assistant handed him his pen and gold planner.

While the happy couple were taking pictures, Fern (in all of his purple pastel suited glory) met with Mary's aunts to discuss his reception ideas. Their engagement photos were taken at the beach. One of  Mary's favorite pictures, is the one where their jeans are rolled up, with their feet in the water. Bobby's back is turned away from the camera. Her head is lying on his shoulder, looking towards it. They're holding hands and it's so cute!

Of course there's pictures of them kissing with their feet in the sand. What engagement photos would be complete without kissing pictures? Bobby has a favorite picture too. His favorite is the one with her sitting on his bike. He's standing behind her and his head on top of her head. He's hugging her from behind. He likes that one best because his bike is featured. Boys and their toys!

Both sets of friends were asked to be part of the wedding party. Mary's girlfriends were ecstatic! As Mary put it, "I will be a hot mess without you!" They couldn't wait to go dress shopping together. Bobby' boys were excited too. Dutch summed it up best. "Finally an excuse to day drink."

By the time the first week of March came around, the wedding details were beginning to shape up. Thanks to Fern, they had chosen a location for the ceremony (the church near Mary's home) and reception (Mary's home). Other items were checked off Fern's list too. The bridal party had been selected. The gift registry is now completed (with a few more of Bobby's surprises like a badass camera and a foosball table). The flowers have been ordered and musicians were hired. They now have a few weeks to breathe, before Fern comes back and discusses other planning details. Bobby is so excited for that. Not really.

In the meantime, Mary has been having other meetings. Her first meeting involved the academic counsel. They met to discuss class Valedictorian and Salutatorian. There's no clear cut answer, at this time. She and Harris Cho are still neck and neck. As far as rivals go he is her favorite. He never threatens, but always wears his look of superiority. It kind of makes her laugh. He thinks he looks of superior, but it's more like he's constipated. 

Her second meeting is all about the pageant, which Ashley sneakily signed her up for. The contestants gathered, at the banquet room of the Beverly Wilshire Hotel in Beverly Hills. This is where the contestants will be staying the week of the pageant. The pageant itself will be held at the Saban Theatre, not too far from the hotel. Mary dreaded having to see her least favorite rival and arch nemesis, Christie. 

She still doesn't want to do this lame pageant, but her name is registered. She thought to at least go, learn the rules, then decide if it's really worth her time. It would be tacky to not show up, at all. Her aunts raised her to have good manners, and good manners she will have. Besides, after four weeks of not driving, she'll drive anywhere just to be able to do so by herself.

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