Chapter 50: Stupid Cupid

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With a new month (February) came new love, new growth, new revelations, and new challenges. Firstly, everyone became twitter-patted with hearts, and flowers, and cards, and candy, and saying fake I love you's. If February is the month of love, then the week of Valentine's Day is the cotton candy, sugary sweetness at it's feet. 

The students at West Vally High, were not immune to the Valentine's love "sickness". In fact two organizations sought to capitalize, on this week of love, with fundraisers. The cheer squad sold red roses, while the Civinette's sold cans of "Crush" soda. Everyone scrambled to purchase these for their "sweethearts", be they real or fake. Because, lets be honest, there's no worse feeling than not receive a special delivery of something. Each day the two competing groups would pass out these goods, during fifth period classes. 

Mary, Missy, Leslie, and Shelia were elected to pass out "Crush's" for the Civinette's. Each girl was assigned a grade level. Mary was put in charge of the Senior class deliveries. On Monday afternoon, while passing out the sodas, she got a huge laugh at Ashley and Dutch's accompanying messages. Dutch's message read "You're in my inappropriate thoughts". Of course he would write something like that. Not to be outdone, Ashley wrote "You make me weak in the knees. Just joking, yesterday was aerobic leg day". 

All of her friends, had received one of these two club treats. Even Tommy, who had said "I can't wait to receive nothing", ended up getting several can's of soda and a few flowers. He may joke and say things like "Yes, I'm single. You'll have to be amazing to change that" but there is someone he has his eyes on. She just doesn't know it, yet. 

According to his friends Tommy moves slower than Bobby, which they all agree is pretty slow. After all, it took him four years to gather the courage to even talk to Mary. The girl Tommy likes came as a huge surprise to everyone, except the guys. It was revealed, subtly, at lunch on Tuesday.

"Thursday is Valentine's Day! What's everyone's plans?" asked Gwen. Gwen may be snarky, and so not into Valentine's overload, but she does appreciate thoughtful surprises. 

Pretty much everyone is going out to dinner, followed by make out sessions. There are only two people who have no clue what they are doing, that evening. One is Mary. Bobby has been conspicuously absent since yesterday afternoon. 

True to his word, he has driven Mary to school every day since her migraine attack. He even got into a routine of arriving at her house early, so they could eat breakfast together. Verbena loved this, as Mary never sits to eat breakfast. She's usually late rushing out the door, only stopping to grab a muffin. 

However, he had phoned last night saying he couldn't drive her this week. His mother had requested he drop off his little sister at school. Her mornings are busy with Junior Classical League committee planning and can't do it. 

Bobby also told her he couldn't take her home, in the afternoons, either. Sticking with his list of things he wants to do, but never could because of karate, he tried out for the Spring soccer team. Of course he made it, as did the other Cobra's. In light of this, he explained the coach has practices scheduled. And apparently he's too tired to talk on the phone afterwards too.

In light of this, they haven't had a chance to discuss Valentine's Day. So, Mary has no idea what their plans are. Plus he wasn't at lunch, so she couldn't ask. He's making up a test for Geometry class. She finds all of this a bit suspicious.

The other person, who had no plans, is Tommy. "I have no plans since I'm single. Happy Valentine's Day to myself. I love you," he told the group. Then he hugged himself. Mary felt sad for him. He's a sweet, funny, charming guy. Someone should snatch him up! She leaned over and hugged him, herself.

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