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"The longer the wait, the sweeter the kiss."

As soon as we got home, I told everyone to go up to their rooms

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As soon as we got home, I told everyone to go up to their rooms. Atlas was exhausted, I don't know when the last time he slept was, I don't just mean a nap, I mean actual sleep, the same for the rest of my brothers.

I took Ares upstairs to his room and took him to the bathroom. I turned on the shower for him, closing the door behind me. I took out clothes from his suitcase for him to put on and left the room.

Going into Percys bedroom I see him sitting on the edge of his bed. "I just wanted to let you know Ares is in the shower. He's not going to want to sleep by himself and I have a feeling you don't want to leave his side, so go sleep in his room."

"Okay." He sighs deeply out of relief. "I love you."

"Te quiero." I say and head back to my room immediately falling asleep.

(Spanish: I love you.)

I wake up feeling a heavy weight on my chest as well as having the sun shining brightly through the blinds. I sit up on my elbows and look on my bed, rolling my eyes as I see Ocean laying on my chest and my other brothers laying by my side.

These fuckers.

I needed to get them off of me and out of my bed. So I did what any other normal person would do. I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Holy shit!"

"What the fuck!"


My brothers all fall off of the bed accept Ocean who is still sleeping soundly on my chest. I pushed him off the side of my bed. I hear a thump and groans of pain as he fell on top of Atlas.

"Why are you all in here?"

"Sibling sleepover." Percy mumbles as he rubs his head.

"We'll get the fuck out, the sleepover is finished." I say getting up from my bed. I don't know where my attitude came from.

"Alright alright, don't get your bragas in a twist." I role my eyes. Atlas picks himself up from the floor and takes all of our brothers with him.

(Spanish: Panties.)

"They are not in a twist." I say getting annoyed.

"Yes they are." They reply in unison.

"When was the last time you got your monthly visitor?" Atlas asked with a knowing smirk on his face. They keep track of my period so they know when to buy me pads, tampons, and ice cream. Although I think it's weird they keep track, I'm glad they care, but I secretly think they keep track because they don't want me to come out pregnant.

"Shit." I say and scramble to the bathroom while they all laugh. "Shut the fuck up and get out!" I yell from inside the bathroom.

I pull my pants down and of course there's blood. My period in all its glory. I despise my period, I'm pretty sure almost every member of the female gender hates their period.

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