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"Sometimes your mind is the worst place to be."

"Mommy!" My baby Nikolai yells as he wiggles out of Alessandro's arms to get to me

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"Mommy!" My baby Nikolai yells as he wiggles out of Alessandro's arms to get to me. I see Cris and Nic's eyes widen, I know they'll remember to question me about it later. When the time comes, I'll tell them enough information, but not the whole truth.

"Hi mamá's baby!" I say with the same amount of enthusiasm, returning his big hug. "¿Eras un buen chico para el abuelo?" I ask staring him in the eyes. That always gets him to fess up.

(Spanish: We're you a good boy for grandpa?)

"Sí, pero le hice una broma." He giggled.

(Yes, but I did pull a prank on him.)

"That's my boy." I give him a fist bump and look up to see Alessandro giving a disapproving look to which I smiled. "Oh don't act like you don't love him. He keeps you on your toes." I tell him, going in for a hug.

"He's going to be the death of me one day." He mutters pulling me in and hugging me. "Now introduce me to our guests." He say breaking the hug and looking around.

"These are my brothers, Cristiano, Niccolo, and the littlest one, Pedro." I introduce. Cris and Nic give friendly waves, though they're a bit skeptical of him, and Pedro hides behind Nic's legs. It's not my place to mention that he's actually my nephew, even though it's pretty cool to be an aunt.

I'm getting attached to these people too fast.

My quints go in for a hug with Alessandro while I head over to Pedro. "Come on, buddy, you want to meet your new friend?" He smiles at my question and takes my hand. I lead him back to Nikolai who's face beams when he sees Pedro.

"Hi, I'm Niki, you wanna play cars?"

"Yes!" Pedro says, and they run back off to his room to play. Kids are so easy.

"Where the hell are they?" I hear a very distinct voice yell before they walk through to where all of us are.

"Hey Maria." I say, but she doesn't give me the time of day. Her only focus was her husband.

"Why didn't you tell me they were here?" She smacks him in the back of the head. "I would've prepared food." She smacks him again.

"Ouch, did you have to hit that hard?" Alessandro whines. The all feared mafia leader.... whining. Everyone coughed and cleared their throats trying to cover up their laughs.

"Oh don't be such a baby. Now come, come, I'll show you to your rooms." She grabs Cris and Nic's hands by surprise, dragging them behind her as she shows them upstairs.

"Where's Ares?" Is the first thing Ales questions when Maria and the twins disappeared. At the mention of his name Percy's breathing stills. We've done good at not mentioning Ares around him because we know he's on the verge of freaking out.

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