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"Take care of the ones you love."

Walking into our living room after dinner, we notice a very pale Ares laying down on the couch with his arm covering his eyes

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Walking into our living room after dinner, we notice a very pale Ares laying down on the couch with his arm covering his eyes.

"You look like shit." Percy says, closing the door. I glare at him, already knowing that something is actually wrong with our brother.

"Hey, you okay?" I pull Ares on to his feet so he is standing right in front of me. He shakes his head 'no' and buries his head in the crook of my neck, leaning all of his body weight on me.

"What's going on?" I ask him softly, wrapping my arms around his shoulders. Ares clings onto me, needing to feel every ounce of comfort he can be given.

"My stomach hurts really bad and my head is pounding. My whole body just aches. I don't feel good." He whined. I heard small sniffles indicating that he was crying from the pain his body was in.

Ares has never really been one to complain when he's sick, so he really must be hurting if he's crying like this.

"You're alright, your just a little sick. Why don't you go change clothes and lay down in your bed."

"I don't want to be alone." he whispers only loud enough for me to hear.

"You're not going to be alone, I'll come to you room in a few minutes."

"...Okay." Ares reluctantly let's go of me, wiping his tears and slowly walking back to his room.

I tell my siblings to check on Ares while I change and grab him some medicine.

I know Ares acts like Mr. tough guy to the outside world, but he's the most fragile out of all of us. Our last year in Russia broke him, since then he cant function without us near him.

He'll start to panic or cry if we leave him by himself. He hyperventilates and sends himself into a panic attack. He just doesn't like being away from us.

Ares has really bad separation anxiety. We rarely ever leave him alone, if we do it's because he's asleep. He doesn't sleep very often so when he does, we just leave him be.

Percy has separation anxiety from us too, but he knows how to control it better and calm himself down, Ares doesn't.

After changing my clothes I go to the medicine cabinet in my bathroom grabbing some liquid medicine and going to Ares room. Walking into his room I see my siblings sitting on his bed next to him.

Once they see me, I nod my head for them to leave the room. They say their good nights before closing the door. I walk over to the side where he's laying and crouch down in front of him, feeling his head.

"You're burning up." I tell him before pouring the right amount of medicine in the little cup and giving him some. He tips the cup into his mouth, throwing it back like a shot. I laugh at that as he puts the cup down.

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