Chapter 45: Getting Along

Start from the beginning

The bell rung and Dean did not hesitate to attack Randy right away.

"Dean Ambrose getting to work on Orton fairly quickly." Michael commented .

"He tends to do that when he's mad." Seth stated.

"But he'll take his time too," Roman added.

"How and why are you two friends with Dean Ambrose? He's an absolute lunatic!" JBL questioned.

Dean was taking full control in this match. Randy was struggling to get up as Dean tightened the headlock he had.

"Why haven't you been inducted to the Hall of Fame? Why did Kim Kardashian dye her hair blonde? Why did Ava turn her back on us? There are a lot of questions in life that do not have answers." Seth said.

I stiffened up when he mentioned my betrayal.

When are they going to understand? I thought.

"Yeah, Ava. Why did you turn your back on your friends?" Michael asked.

"I thought I already cleared the air when I explained my self last Monday ." I stated.

"I don't think any of us thought that was a good explanation." Roman spoke.

"So, you better start explaining now. Why did you do it?" Seth questioned.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I don't have to answer that when I already explained everything."

"Do you ever regret those actions?" Jerry asked.

"At times." I mumbled.

Dean was about to elbow drop Randy from the top rope, but Randy had instinctively rolled out of the ring.

"Can you guys stop asking these stupid questions. Ava made her decision. It's done. Get over it." JBL defended.

"Come on Randy. Get back in there." I taunted and pointed towards the ring.

"Don't tell me what to do." He spat.

Just as he turned around, Dean knocked Randy down from a suicide dive.

I rolled my eyes. "I warned him."

"Aren't you two supposed to be Authority friends?" Michael questioned.

I shrugged. "I have my fun."

Dean whipped Randy back into the ring and got right back on in attacking him. Randy pushed him off but Dean used the ropes to give Randy a huge clotheline.

"What a clothesline!" Jerry exclaimed.

Dean set Randy up for Dirty Deeds, then hit it perfectly.

"There you go Dean." Roman said.

"Okay, I'm done." I said taking off the headset.

"Where are you going?" Seth asked.

"I think we all can agree who the winner of this match is." I said then walked away.

"Was she talking about Dean Ambrose?" JBL questioned.

Dean pinned Randy and just as I thought, he used the ropes for support.

"The ropes! Ambrose got the ropes!" Michael exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and shoved his feet off. The ref broke the count and noticed his feet then started yelling at him. Dean looked at me with shock. I just shrugged and pointed behind him. He turned around only to receive a RKO by Randy.

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