You Really Don't Know Anything, Do You?

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Hikari noticed the staring though and immediately felt self conscious, folding her wings inside herself with a shaky breath as she turned away before scoffing at his statement. If only he knew what he was really saying.

Glancing back towards the sky for a moment, Hikari then turned her eyes into a glare before turning around and walking back into the apartment with a mutter. "Please, it's not that easy."

Although because she was passing by, Hawks just barely registered her words before sharply turning his head in her direction. Did he just hear that he thought he did? "What did you just say?

Hikari then paused for a moment, obviously taking in his answer before her lips curved into a bitter smile. His little commission ears didn't miss a thing, did they? How annoying.

She wondered what kind of heartbreaking expression he'd make if she actually told him the truth about her feathers, how they were locked away and held captive by the woman that so called "saved" him from his previous life.

The girl could always feel them, but being in such proximity seemed to enhance the pull even more, always leaving that same amount of longing inside her throat.

Yet Hikari wasn't stupid, choosing to let out a supressed chuckle as she barely turned back in her brothers direction, already deciding that she wasn't going to explain herself in the slightest. She just didn't have the courage to.

"I said wow thanks, I'll get on that right away. "

As the girl completely ignored everything she had just said, Hawks felt himself in a whirlwind. He was pretty sure he heard something different but right now there were far too many other things on his mind then this simple conversation.

Like how he sister had almost put one of his sidekicks in the hospital for starters.

Following her inside, the bird couldn't help but still feel that lingering irritation in the back of his throat as he spoke, hoping it would cause her to turn around and finally talk to him. "Do you want to tell me what happened back there, how you freaked out like that?"

And Hikari did stop for a moment, her back rigid before shaking her head in some sort of emotion, although her brother couldn't tell what kind. "Nothing happened. I just got sick of listening to those prissy little wannabe heroes. That's all."

Although he could hardly believe that her little outburst was nothing. In fact, the minute he reached her it seemed like Hikari was completely gone mentally, like she was somewhere else unpleasant.

Shaking his head, Hawks threw his hands out in response. "Hikari, that was not nothing! You almost sent someone to the hospital! You know how many phone calls and reports I had to fill out in order to save your ass!? Too many!!"

The girl then fixed her intensive gaze towards the floorboards before lifting her lips into a mocking smile mixed with something else. "Sounds like a personal problem to me."

Gritting his teeth at her response, Hawks felt his eyes fill with fury, a fury that seemed to appear whenever she didn't listen to him. "You're my personal problem! I thought you said you were going to take this seriously, that you were going to try to blend in! Did that conversation mean nothing to you?!"

Hikari took in his words sharply, still looking down at her feet before sighing. Sure, she would've loved to say that her little freak out was planned in order to make Hawks look bad but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

Of course she was trying, if she wasn't that she would've never gone to that stupid ass training in the first place. It wasn't her fault that she had a panic attack like that, everything was just too similar. If anything, it was Hawks' fault for putting her into the situation, a situation she knew she wouldn't work well in.

Sister Mine (Dabi X OC)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin