Prep day 5: Final preparations and confessions

Start from the beginning

Day 4 common room footage:

Bakugou was nowhere to be found, and unlike the previous day, fewer students were in the common room. There was however still a few that refused to move watching Tv or making conversation. No strategy meeting nothing about the game just casual conversation.

Gym gamma

Like day 3 Shinso was once again practicing in the gym with Aizawa, along with him a few students were doing light gym training in groups presumably making their own plans to catch me, and from what I saw it wasn't bad, there were always at least one capture or speed hero on the team, but without real training, they wouldn't even touch me.

Outside dorm

On the outside, Bakugou was training alone, and unlike the students in Gym Gamma Bakugou was doing heavier training but nothing strategic or planning he was only doing pure strength training. It seems that he was trying to live up to the promise of hurting me. But his strength training will only get him so far if he doesn't have a plan then ill be the winner of every scenario.

Day 5 common room

Checking the time it was barely 4 pm so I still had time to watch the last footage of today's training before meeting with Mei. So switching to the live feed of the common room I heard a conversation between almost the whole class of both 1-a and 1-b with Bakugou, Shinso, and Todoroki seemingly having come back from training which from what I saw were individual and grouped.

The first voice I heard was Yoayarozu, "Alright everyone this was our last day to train, now I know Bakugou said we didn't need to discuss a plan but I still think it would be beneficial for us to at least speak about if we have any idea of what Midoryia intends to do. Uraraka do you know anything?"

Being put on the spot Uraraka quickly thought if she knew anything but she only shook her head, "Sorry yoamomo but I don't know anything, I haven't seen Iz-Deku since yesterday, and I-umm was distracted when I saw him."

Teasing Uraraka Ashido jumped in, "Was it because he grabbed you by your chin romantically~"

"W-w-what!! You know about that?!" blushing heavily Uraraka folded in on herself as Mina started poking her. Realizing the conversation was off-topic Sero cut in.

"Well despite the love-Dovey stuff I honestly think that Midoryia can't do anything, I mean he is not only facing us his classmates but also all of 1-b by himself." nodding their heads in agreement many of the students thought it was too much of a stretch. Iida stepping in gave his account of the situation.

"Now hold Midoryia is a very smart student he certainly has a plan for the game."

Kirishima also joined in, "Yeah Midoribro definitely has a plan we should be at least a little careful."

Monoma however just put his feet on the coffee table of the common room, "Oh cmon do you really think that he would have a plan for everyone in every class, not only has he not been here if he was spying on us we would have noticed by now, he can't do anything, he's useless!" relaxing Monoma grinned as he put in his opinion and everyone who had agreed with Sero also agreed with him.

"Well I think Monoma might be right, so how about this we go easy on Deku and capture him without too much of a fight?" looking around Uraraka got many nods from the class.

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