Chapter 5: Family-Fire Nation

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Today was a big day and simply one of the happiest days of Zuko's life. Uncle Iroh had finally returned and Zuko was going to see him again after many long years. So much has happened and there was so much to tell. He couldn't wait for the ship to reach shore.

"I know you are exited, Z, but pacing the deck is not going to get us there any faster." Fourteen years old Sying giggles as she watches the twelve year old pace.

"I know but I haven't seen him in years." The Prince whines. The Princess shakes her head at him in response.

Soon they are at the gates of the palace where an older man Sying as has only ever heard of waits. Zuko is nervously bouncing his leg as the carriage stops. Sying smiles and places her hand on his knee claiming the younger boy down.

They step out of the carriage and Zuko is quickly enveloped into a hug by Retired General Iroh. Sying smiles as she stands back with Akin and Kael. She of course does not go unnoticed, poking out like a swore thum in a short Water Tribe blue dress.

Princess Sying does a traditional Water Tribe bow before quickly switching to the proper Fire Nation one. Iroh follows suit in the greeting after letting his nephew go.

"Uncle, I would like to introduce you to my fiancé, Princess Sying of the Northern Water Tribe." Zuko states putting his arm around the older and slightly taller girl.

"It's lovely to meet you General Iroh." She smiles.

"Retired General, Princess. It's an honor to meet my future Niece-in-law. Why don't you two join me inside for a cup of tea?"

Sying quickly discovered she adored Uncle Iroh which he insisted she call him. One afternoon of tea soon became a routine for the two after a long day lectures and bending practice. Sometimes the two could even trick Zuko into attending though he rarely did.
He could just not understand or appreciate tea and Pai Sho which Iroh immediately started teaching the Princess though she did not catch on quickly. But Iroh was patient and by the time they arrived back next summer. She was basically a pro.


One year after Iroh returned, Zuko now being thirteen, comes to him for help on a more personal mission. Zuko now being the age of thirteen and Sying being fifteen, the Fire Prince decided it was time to do something he should have awhile ago.

"Uncle? Uncle?" Zuko knocks before entering the retired General's chambers.

"Oh, nice of you to visit dear Nephew. Is there something on your mind?" The elder asks as her poor another cup of tea for the young teen.

"Well yes actually, Uncle. You umm see...I was wondering if you could...I don't know....maybe you could help me. Umm you know what never mind it's stupid." The teen declares turning bright red as he starts to run out of the room.

"Not so fast, Nephew. I'd be honored to help you. Please sit down. It'd be a waste of tea if you left now."

The Prince sighs but sits down in front of his Uncle. "We'll you see Uncle, I want to give a proper betrothal gift to Sying. But I don't know how to sculpt a necklace for her. I'm already planning to give her mothers ring as a Fire Nation betrothal gift but Yue informed me that a necklace is a proper Water Nation gift but I don't..."

Iroh chuckled cutting his nephew off, "Slow down, boy. I can help you make the perfect gift for dear Princess Sying."

"Really, Uncle? You'll help me."

"Of course. It's very sweet of you to do this for her. You must really love her."

Zuko blushed instantly and stutters,"It's not...I don't...."

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