Chapter 12: Azula and Friends

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Azula wrapped up her burns from sparing with her father. They littered her arms and legs but the hand print of her shoulder stood out from the rest. In another world where Zuko and Sying hadn't gotten betrothed, maybe she would have thought this to be normal and proper punishment for failing. But Sying and Iroh both taught her about true family and what it means. Then she left along with her brother and now she knows it will be up to her to kill or capture them.

She would be lying if she said she didn't want them both home but they wouldn't be home if she captured them. They would be chained up like bat-dogs. And though she loathed them for leaving her behind, she loved both of them somewhere deep inside.

After she finished wrapping her wounds, she headed towards the throne room where her father awaited her. And waiting is not something that pleases the Fire Lord. She hurries to meet him with half-assed bandage burns in an attempt to not upset her father more than she already has.

Azula braces herself as she opens the door to the throne room. She takes a deep breath and puts on her signature bitch face. Azula tries not to squirm under the heat of the flames knowing they were just used to intentionally harm her. She kneels before her father as the heat rises in the room.

"Nice for you to join me, Azula." Ozai snarls in sarcasm.

"Sorry I am late, father. It took long than anticipated to wrap my failures." She states.

"I don't want your excuses. You have a mission Azula to capture or kill your bother and his whore. I expect you to leave immediately. Do not fail me, Azula. We wouldn't want any accidents now would we. I heard the circus is a risky business and living with the enemy in Omashu can't be easy." The Fire Lord smirks as he threatens her friends.

"I will not fail you, Fire Lord." She gulps trying to hide her uneasiness at the thought of her friends.

"I would hope not. Accidents can be such awful events."

Azula leaves the room quickly after being dismissed. She all but walks to her bedroom. She crashes down in front of her mirror as tears spill down her perfect face. "I don't know what to do, Mother. But you never loved me anyway so why do I bother speaking to you. You thought I was a monster. A monster like that bastard on the throne. But I am not my father, mother. And I'm sure as hell not Zuko."


Mai walks along side her mother through Omashu as multiple guards are gathered around them. She's bored out of her mind like usual but she has been the most bored she has ever been since they move to the Earth Kingdom now Fire Nation city. She hated every second of it and voiced her opinions to her mother as she carried a sleeping baby boy. "There is really no fathoming the dephs of my hate for this place"

Her mother sighs as her baby stirs, "Mai, your father was appointed governor. We're like royalty here. Be happy. and enjoy it."

As the two woman chat to one another, men lurk from above getting readey to strike.

"The targets are approachig." One man says.

"Take them out," Another comands.

The Avatar and two of his friends Katara and Sokka follow him from above the family of the Fire Nation Governor having no clue what goes on around them the same goes for the peole above and below them. A boulder is bended down from above the noises startles the two remanding groups of it's presence. The mother hugs her baby tight as the bouldar rolls down at unnatural speeds there would be no time to move away. Aang acts quickly and air bends it to the side smashing it to pieces. The dust settles and it appears that the Avatar tried to kill them with the bouldar. Mai shoots many throwing knives at him which he expertly dodges.

Mai runs after them grazing thier skin with knives as they run away from her and her guards. Katara gathers her water from her pouch and whips the remaining guardsoff the side of the walkway. Mai huffs and continues forward knives flying and she goes every which way. Sokka blocks them with his sword but a few still graze his cheek while Aang easily bends them back towards the emo teen. Suddenly, Aang spots a structure which he uses to bend at thier apponent which causes enough dust for them to get away as the floor opens up from beneath them.


Tylee skillfully flips on to the tight rope landing on her hands with two fingers before continuing to walk across on her hands. She pratices back and forth the tight rope doing all kinds of insane tricks to the eyes of normal everyday people. Tylee never wished to be a normal person. She was born into a set of look-a-likes and she would no long be a part of a package. Why blend in when you were born to stand out the arcobat always says. She flips and squeels in delight as she awaits her best friend and crush.

Azula. Princess Azula is coming to see her perform today or so she said in her letter. Tylee knows there has to be more going on for Azula to come see her becuase the Princess is often busy with duties and rarely has down time. But she would enjoy the peaceful moment whileit lasted and await for her crush as she walks on her fingers and bends in all kinds of ways in the air and on the ground.

The young arcobat always knew deep down that she was different even when she was stuck in a box along with her six sisters. It started with her liking girls and boys at the same time. She quickly found out in school that both genders were incredibly attractive in each thier own way. Then she met the Princess and Mai and they were differnet from the other school children too. Mai was quiet and firece while she was peppy and bright but the two became friends fast since they even each other out. Azula was more complicated than Mai was. She was a mix of both with a hint of being sadistic as they grew older. It only worsened when as she got older and increased when her mother left.

But then Pincess Sying came and Tylee got a new friend and Azula came back to her normal self. But than everyone left the young fourteen-year-old Fire Princess and she was once again alone. Tylee felt bad for leaving her crush with the Fire Lord everyday knowing the absolute abuse he puts his daughter through with hours upon hours of training with little to no breaks and enough burns to last for years to come. Though the bubbly girl regreted leaving her friend, she could never regret joining the circus. It was her home. Her freedom.

"Tylee, could that possibly be you?" A voice calls from above her as the arcobat is in a two finger hand stand.

"Azula!" The young girl cheers as she jumps to a standing position to give the Princess a bone crushing hug. Azula tries not to break down right there and then as she hugs her best friend back. She doesn't know what it is about Tylee that always seem to make her weak in the knees but she wanted nothing more to tell the girl everything as her arms were around her waist and face in her hair.

"It's so nice to see you, Tylee. Even if it is in a place like this." The Priness adds in digust at the load of elphant-deer poop only a few feet away as the girls pull away from one another.

"It can be smelly but I love it here. I mean my aura has never been pinker!" The girl exclaims as her eyes travel up and down the gprgeous girl in font her.

"I have a propositio for you, Bubble. I'm hunting a tratior by my fathers orders. You remember my brother and his betrothed?" Azula asks usuing a childhoo nickname.

"Of course I remember Zuko and Sying! How could I not? Sying was always so much fun!"

Azula sighs, "Well now it is my job to capture them and if I don't it is on your and Mai's head."

Tylee gulps, "Like off with our heads?" She is answered with a teary eyed nod and hug.


"Please tell me you're here to kill me."

"It's great to see you, Mai." Azula speaks up as her Tylee walks up.

"I thought you ran off and joined the circus? You said it was you're calling." Mai adds when seeing Tylee

"Azula called a little louder." She answers with her hands on her hips.

"I have a mission and I need you both." Azula states steppng into the converstion.

"Count me in. Anything to get me out of this place."

The Moon's SisterOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora