Chapter 19: Princess of the West

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Warning naughty chapter. May skip if want not important to regular story. Graphic scene ahead skip to circles if need be. I have changed the rating to mature.

"Here Zula, all you gotta do it out your hands like this and lean forward! Gravity will do the rest as long as you keep your legs straight." Tylee explains showing the Princess a cartwheel. The Fire Lord watches from the side lines as his daughter successfully does a cartwheel on her first try. He smiles at the beauties in front of him. Despite the young age of the acrobatics is thirteen, she has plenty of curves that could please a Fire Lord such as himself.

"Tylee, come with me." Fire Lord Ozai calls from his spot outside. Tylee bows and follows the Fire Lord down the corridor. It was  way down past Azula's bedroom a side of the castle she had never been on. Tylee was worried. Had she done something wrong? Was she to be punished?

They enter through a large door that could only belong to the man in front of her. She nervously follows him only to be immediately slammed against the door. She squeals when his lips press against her kneck. They are rough and scratchy as they travel up and down all the way to her shoulder.

"You're so beautiful Tylee." He tightens his grip on her and leans heavily against her as he grinds his hips against her stomach. The girl was much smaller physically and mentally compared to the man grinding against her. He was assaulting her and there was nothing she could do but follow his command and hope it goes easier.

"Now strip." He orders into her ear as he removes his own rob and throws her onto the bed. She does so as tears run down. And she tries not to scream as he enters. But everyone knows what goes on behind his door throughout the palace. But no one can do a thing.


Tylee shoots in bed as the scream leaves her mouth. The nightmare had been with her for weeks since Azula had told her the things he has done to her though luckily none of them had been rape. She cries silently thinking of all the times she couldn't escape as the door to her room in the drill opens.

"Tylee? I heard a scream? Did you see a spider-rat?" Azula asks coming into the room only to see a her crush sobbing.

"I'm...s-s-sorry...I di-didn't me-mean to wake y-you." Tylee cries as she tries to calm down.

Azula wraps her arms around the girl and holds her tight. She whispers sweet nothings into her ear as the young girl starts to quiet down. "It's okay. I'm here and I'll burn anything that tries to hurt you ash!" She smirks in triumph as the girl giggles lightly.

"Thank you Azula." Tylee lays her head against the older girls breast and the Princess does nothing but hold her closer.

"What happen, Ty?" Azula whispers into her ear.

"A nightmare. Memory actually."

"Memory of what?"

"Ozai. A memory of Ozai."
That stops the Princess in her tracts as her heart rate picks up.

"Nothing is all you will ever be Azula. Maybe you are just a whore like Sying." He whispers as he burns his daughters thigh.

"W-what did he do?" Azula asks in a whisper. "He raped me. Repeatedly."

"I'm soo sorry, Ty."

"Don't leave me. Please. I don't want to think of him." And that night they lay in each other's arms along with the next and every other night they are together.


"Azula?" Tylee starts as she lays in the older girls arms with her head against the Princess breasts.

"Yes, Ty?"

"I want a new memory. With you."

"Memory of what."
Tylee sits up and stares down at the girl. "I really like you!" She blurts out before slamming her lips against Azula's and to her surprise Azula kisses back.

"A memory to replace Ozai's." Tylee whispers removing her lips from the girls.

"I'm going to rock your world." Azula smiles. Azula smacks her lips
against Tyler's soft pink ones. Azula waste no time shoving her tongue down the girl's throat as she tangled her hand into Ty's hair.

Tylee pulls away, "I want to be more than friends."

"So be my girlfriend." Azula states in a matter of factly way giving Lee no room for argument or disagreements. Azula runs her hand under the girls shirt and pulls it up and she straddles her back against the bed.

"I don't want to go too far."

Azula licks her stomach up and down, "We'll see how far we go when you start screaming my name."

That night she does indeed scream Azula's name.


"Can you two fuck more quietly next time? Some of us are trying to sleep." Mai asks the next morning.

"We'll fuck as loud as we want."


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