Chapter 6: Jerk Lord

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"Omg! They are sooo pretty on you Sying! I can't believe, Zuko actually gave you these!" Ty Lee exclaims as she looks over the two betrothal items. Mai glances over as well and blankly states, "A little flashy in my opinion but they suit you well, Princess."

"Gross. Enough of my brothers love life. What about a friendly spare, sister?" Azula asks looking over at the older girl.

Said older girl puts her hands on her hips, "We all know there is no such thing as friendly with you."

"Father always says 'Mercy is for the weak.'"

Sying sighs, "Of course he does. Fine but don't cry when I beat you, lil sis." Mai and Ty Lee move off to the side near the Ice Princess's warriors as they wait for the fight to begin.

"Only in your dreams." Both girls take their proper bending stance.

Sying expertly makes octopus arms around her which she uses to deflect and strike at her opponent. The Fire Princess follows suit expertly whipping strings of flames at the older girl. The girls go back and forth both deflecting the others attack not able to get in a single hit or gain any upper hand.

Suddenly, Sying flips into a back flip throwing the water at the Lightning Princess in one fluid motion. The latter barely twirls out of the way of the devastating wave that soaks two inattentive palace guards. A furry of fire rans down over the Water Tribe girl as she quickly shields herself with an umbrella of water.

Meanwhile on the sidelines, Mai and Ty Lee are tired of being left out of the Princess's spares. With a slight nod in each other's direction they jump into action. Mai flips high in the air her knives flashing into the shoulder of the Fire Princess and the side of the Ice Princess. Both girls drop their bending stunned by the interference and Ty Lee swoops in for the finish swiftly hitting all the right pressure points before either girl's can blink.

"What did you just do?" Azula snarls as no flames appear from her palms. Sying frowns as the water does not bend to her will.

"Calm down, Azula." Mai sighs.

"Hehe! That was great! You two were so focused you didn't even notice me knocking your pressure points!" Ty Lee giggles as she flips around in excitement.

Sying rolls her eyes playfully at the younger girl as she applies pressure to the gash in her side. "Looks like we lost, lil sis. We'll have to pay more attention to our surroundings next time."

"Tch. I guess this did prove to be a good lesson." The Princess frowns as she sees blood dripping drown the gash in her shoulder.

"Let's get you to stitched up." Kael speaks up as he and Akin approach the girls. Akin rest a hand on the two non-benders. "That was excellent, Ladies. Taking your enemies by surprise is a quick and easy way to take down both benders and non-benders."

Akin then turns to the two benders, "Your battle was thrilling but don't get caught up on one opponent. That could get you killed on a real battle filled. Always be aware of your surroundings and use it to your advantage."
All the girls give their own version of a smile to the Water Tribes men before heading off to the infirmary.


"This is the most reckless thing you've done in all your thirteen years, Prince Zuko!" Iroh yells from inside the Prince's bed room.

Sying's eyebrows crease in confusing at the sentence as she nears the door. But that does not stop her knuckles from making contact with the wood asking for entrance. "It's Sying, Z. May I come in?" She opens the door when she gets permission.

"Now what kind of trouble did you exactly get into this time, Prince Ashmaker?" The older teen questions with her hands on her hips.

"An Agni Kia! That is the stupidity my nephew has gotten into!" The Ice Princess's eyes widen at the explanation.

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