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*Princess Yue's name is a Chinese name meaning moon. Princess Sying (pronounced as Sing) will be Yue's older sister. Sying is a Chinese name meaning Star.

A rewrite is available on AO3, under the user name, MichaelPhobia240145...

"What are you doing in my room, Azula?" The ten-year-old Fire Prince questions as he spots his little sister. The girl hangs upside down on his bed with an upside down smirk gleaming at him.

The Princess in question shrugs as she sit up across his bed. "I'm just deciding what to do with my new room."

"New room? This is my roo-"

The red curtains burst into blue flames, "Not for long. You see father is finally getting rid of the palace trash. I'm sure you'll make a lovely water tribe peasant."

The girl crackles as her brothers eyes widen in horror. "You're lying! You always lie!"
The boy yells.

"If you don't believe me, just ask father yourself, not that he'll be your father for much longer." The Fire Princess whispers in his ear as she skips out of the room, tripping maids throughout the halls.


Else where over the seas, a young Water Tribe Princess skips throughout her frozen palace in the night looking for her beloved sister. Her eyes sparkle in delight as she spots her twelve-year-old sisters room. She skips up to the blue curtain and happily shoves it open before hurrying inside.

"Oh, Sying! Do you want to build a snowman?" The little girl beams out. Her happiness quickly fades at the sound of her sisters hiccups.

"Sying?" Little Yue whispers as she moves closer to her sisters bedding. Young Sying quickly tries to wipe away her tears as Yue hugs her arm beside her.

"I'm-Im..." The snow princess cries harder as she chocks on her words. Yue climbs into her lap and wraps her arms around her.

"It's okay, sis. I'm here for you. I'll protect you."
Sying hugs her sister tight and cries. She cries for her people, her country, the world, and herself.


"Father, you can't be serious." The Fire Prince argues.

"Do you dare disrespect your Fire Lord, Prince Zuko?" Ozai barks from behind the wall of flames. The heat raises startling the Prince but he knows not to show fear for fear is weakness. And his father does not take kindly to weaknesses. Unfortunately for the young boy, that's all he has ever been in his father's eyes.

"No, father. I didn't mean any disrespect. I am your loyal son. I am here to serve as you see fit."
The corners of the Fire Lords lips lift as he glares down at his kneeled son.

"You will leave in three days and return with your bride by winters end. Is that clear, Prince Zuko?"

"As you wish, Fire Lord."

The prince cries in the moon light under the priceless tree near the turtle-duck pond. He cries for his mother, his uncle, his cousin, and for his fate. Oh, how he curses his sister for being perfect. She doesn't have to fight for love. Because in the end, she was born lucky and he was lucky to be born.

He can't help but feel his heart leap at the opportunity. The opportunity to prove himself to his father. He will rebuild the Water Tribe in the way of the Fire Nation.
He, Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation; son of Fire Lord Ozai and Princess Ursa; will bring honor to the Fire Nation and Northern Water Tribe.


The Princesses aren't quite sure how long they have been simply enjoying each other's company in silence but Sying's cries soon ceased.
"I'm scared Yue. I'm really scared." The young Princess finally admits.

Little Yue only smiles suppressing a yawn and pulls her sister towards the balcony. They pull the heavy fabric door aside as they step outside into the cold air. Princess Sying squeezes the youngers hand warming both herself and Yue's body.

"Look, sis! Tui is up high in the sky and La is over behind our great ice wall! So don't be afraid. The spirits are still with us. They are inside you, Sying. Don't fear."
Sying wraps her arms around the little girl with shining white hair which contrast her black hair.

"Thank you, Yue. I'm not going to fear them. This isn't about me. This is about the Water Tribe and what's best for her and her people; our people." Yue looks up at Sying in confusion.

"Wh-What's best?"
Little Yue yawns as she greets her sister with bright blue eyes.

"My betrothal to the Fire Prince."
By the time the words leave her mouth, Princess Yue is fast asleep standing up. Sying giggles at her sister carefully picking up the younger girl. Sying tucks Yue into bed sliding in beside her.

The Snow Princess flutters her eyes close and prays,
"Tui and La please give me strength as I follow through with the journey set. I Sying, Princess of the Northern Water Tribe and daughter of Chief Arnook, will bring peace upon the Water Tribe and Fire Nation; even if it takes my last breath."

Stars aline across the sky as fate sets its corse.

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