Chapter 23: The Puppet Master

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"suddenly, they heard something
down the hall, in the dark.
♪ ooh... ♪
it came into the torchlight.
and they knew the blade
of wing-fun was haunted!
♪ ah-ah... ♪" Sokka finished screaming horribly into the night as the sat around a camp fire.

"I think I liked "the man
with a sword for a hand" better." Aang comments.

"Water tribe slumber parties
must stink." Toph huffs leaning against Sying. 

"No, wait, i've got one and this is a true southern
water tribe story." Katara smiles.

Sying hugs her daughter tight and yawns. "I don't know, Katara. I think it's time we all go to bed."

"Mom one more story won't hurt."
Toph whines.

Katara smiles at the mother and daughter couple and starts her story, "One winter, when mom was a girl a snowstorm buried
the whole village for weeks.
a month later, mom realized
she hadn't seen her friend nini
since the storm.

So mom and some others
went to check on nini's family.
when they got there,
no one was home.
just a fire
flickering in the fireplace.
while the men
went out to search
mom stayed in the house.
when she was alone,
she heard a voice.

"it's so cold,
and i can't get warm."
mom turned and saw
nini standing by the fire.
She was blue,
like she was frozen.
Mom ran outside for help,
but when every one came back
Nini was gone."

Sokka leans forward paying fully attention to his little sister, "Where'd she go?"

"No one knows."

"Nini's house stands empty
to this day but sometimes, people see smoke
coming up from the chimney
like little nini is still
trying to get warm."

They all gasp out loud. Toph leans further into the ground and
"Wait. Guys, did you hear that? I hear people under the mountain,
and they're screaming."

"Pft, nice try." Sokka laughs as the parents look worriedly at their daughter.

"No, I'm serious,
I hear something. Dad, I'm scared." Toph whispers the last part to Zuko as he pulls her into his arms from Sying's.

"We believe you, Toph. We'll go check it out okay?" Zuko answers sincerely.

She nods and places both hands on the ground and waits. "It just stopped."

From the shadows a women watches, she sees that three of the members of the group are water tribe and one is a fire nation. She frowns as she watches the way the oldest girl and Fire bender interact. It's clear they are deeply in love. After the little girl tells her parents of the scum under the mountain, the woman steps forward.

"Hello, children.
Sorry to frighten you,
my name is Hama. You children shouldn't be out in the forest
by yourselves at night.
I have an inn nearby, why don't
you come back there for some
spiced tea and warm beds?"

"Yes, that would be great. Thank you, Hana." Sying answers with a warm smile at the women. Zuko and Sokka are taken back by the old women while the water bending girls look ecstatic. Toph is not amused as she clings onto Zuko who in return carries her on his back.

"Thanks for letting us
stay here tonight,
you have a lovely inn." Katara comments as the make their way inside.

"Aren't you sweet?
You know, you should be careful.
People have been
disappearing in those woods
you were camping in."

"What do you mean, disappearing?" Zuko questions holding an asleep Toph.

" When the moon turns full,
people walk in and they don't come out." She states before giving a big smile asking, "Who wants more tea? Don't worry, you'll all be
completely safe here."

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