Chapter 4: Princess Popsicle

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Chief Arnook was not excited about his oldest daughter heading off to the Fire Nation. She was his little girl after all and had never left home. He supposed they would be reaching the islands by now. It wasn't just the distance that scared the father,
it was the people that awaited her that scared him the most. No matter how hard the Chief tried he could not get Master Zhi's words out of his head.

Did the Fire Lord truly think his son a failure? Would he really allow for Zuko to be abused?

Those were the questions that plagued his mind.
Arnook wished he could brush the man's words off to nothing but madness. The images of the Fire Prince's scarred body would not allow him too. So, yes, the great Water Tirbe Chief was scared; scared for his daughter,
for the young Prince, for his people and most surprisingly,
the Fire Nation itself.

Arnook along with the world knew how cruel and sadistic the Fire Nation is. But is it the Fire Nation or Fire Lord that is truly evil? The people after all are just following their king or dictator in this case. He supposed now after meeting Fire Prince Zuko and some of his soldiers, he can't believe the Fire Nation is all evil. Zuko is just a boy. A boy with a lot of power and no support until now.

The Fire Nation Soldiers are strong and built for war but you can see how much they love their young Prince. He knows all their names and they smile when he walks by. The female soldiers watch over him as a mother or older sister would.

As lovely as that all sounds, deep inside Chief Arnook knows that is why Zuko is shunned as he is. He's kind and that is seen as a weakness to the Fire Lord. Master Zhi made that very clear to him. He's heard the stories from the soldiers of not only the boy's father but sister as well. He knows of Princess Ursa, Zuko's mother, strange disappearance. Everyone knows of Ba Sing Sa and the Prince's that never returned though the story is unclear.

So, yes, the Chief is scared for his daughter. But being scared does not mean he is helpless, it only means he needs to be prepared. He gathers his most trusted warriors and intrust his daughter's safety to them. He prepares a plan for them if things ever go south whether in a few months or years. He appoints Warriors Akin and Kael as his daughter's personal bodyguards; wherever she goes, they go. Akin and Kael are the only warriors present to hear Master Zhi's horrific words and claims.

"I must ask of you one more thing. Please protect and watch over the young Prince as well. I fear he is not treated as he should be. If he is hurt help him, but do not draw attention. You're first priority is to the Princess at all times but the Prince will need you as well." Chief Arnook had asked of them right before they had sailed away to the islands.

The palace halls seemed empty and colorless with the loss of splashes of red uniforms. The Chief sighs and goes in search of his second daughter Yue.

'Tui and La, let them be safe.'


Sying had never felt so warm and the sun had never been so bright in all her thirteen years. Winter had passed quickly leaving behind both Ice Princess's birthday and the Fire Prince's first visit to the North. Soon Sying will take her step on Fire Nation land. She and Zuko could see the ports of the Island in the distance. She could just barely make out the Fire Palace on the tip of the volcano.

Zuko had told her about grass, sand, trees and many other native plants. She couldn't wait to see the Fire Lilies she had been told so much about apparently they were Princess Ursa's favorite and by extent her son's. Zuko had told her about the turtle duck pond that was quite similar to the qui fish pond back home. Overall, the newly teen was exited but also gravely nervous.

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