Chapter 22: The Awakening

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"What happened?" Aang asks looking around the room he's in to see a Fire Nation insignia.
"Oh, no!" He grunts as he gets up ready to escape his room as he blasts the door open.

"you hear something?" A warriors dressed in Fire Nation armor questions.

"He's awake!" Another exclaims.
Aang races past the guards and around the corner.

"Stop, wait!" They yell chasing after him as he air bends then into the walls. He practically flies up onto the deck of the metal ship to be met with the sight of Momo.

"Twinkle-Toes, that's got to be you." Toph states turning around.

"Aang, you're awake." Katara smiles brightly.

"Are you sure?
I feel like i'm dremaing."

"You're not dreaming.
You're finally awake." Zuko smiles

"Aang, good to see you back
with the living, buddy." Sokka grins.

"Sokka?" His eyes roll back

"Uh-Oh, somebody catch him.
He's gonna..." Toph starts to say as Sying swoops in and catches the boy.

"Good catch, mom." Toph says.

Soon Aang comes to with a little water bending. "Why are we on a fire nation ship? Why is everyone dressed this way? And why am i the only one who's completely out of it?" Aang proclaims uneasy.

"You need to take it easy, o.K.?
You got hurt pretty bad.
I like your hair." Katara adds.

"I have hair?
How long was i out?"

"A few weeks." Zuko answers

"Everything ok?" The Chief asks seeing Aang up and awake.

"We're fine, dad."

"Nice to meet you again, Chief Hakoda." Aang states looking up at him from his spot leaning against Katara.

"It's an honor to meet you again."

"Great, great.
Now you guys have finally met, so would you mind giving us a little privacy?" Katara snarls as the z chief sighs and leaves.

"Maybe we should go upstairs.
You need a healing session." Sying speaks after she watches the way Katara gives her father the cold shoulder. They walk back down to his room and begin a healing session together.

"After what happened in ba sing
se, we had to get you to safety.
We found my father and the other water tribe men along. We started raiding Fire nation ships and capturing them and we left the water tribe ships behind. So far we've made it to two of the colonies that are loyal to Zuko and Sying and the men and woman there agreed to help and joined us." Katara explains.

"What happened to the Earth King?" Aang asks as they heal his back.

"He was killed by Azula sadly. But
since then, we've been traveling west. We crossed through the
serpent's pass a few days ago.
We've seen a few fire nation
ships, but none have bothered us." Sying tells him straight up not sugar coating anything.

"That's good at least."


The group sits around a table eating silently before Aang pipes up.
"So, what now?"

"We've been working on a modified
version of the invasion plan." Hakoda states.

"It's sokka's invasion plan." Katara snaps at her father startling everyone.

"Yes, sokka's plan."

"We won't be able to mount a massive
invasion without the earth king's armies but we still have to Fire Nation colonies. And the solar eclipse will still
leave the fire nation vulnerable.
So we're planning a smaller invasion.
Just a ragtag team of our friends andalls from around the earth kingdom. We already ran into
pipsqueak and the duke." Sokka explains as he eats his noodles.

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