Chapter 25: Forgive me Mother

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Long ago, the four nations
lived together in harmony.
Then, everything changed
when the Fire Nation attacked.
Only the Avatar,
master of all four elements,
could stop them.
But when the world
needed him most, he vanished.
A hundred years passed,
and my brother and I discovered
the new Avatar,
an Airbender named Aang.
And although
his airbending skills are great,
he has a lot to learn before
he's ready to save anyone.

"I believe
Aang can save the world." Katara states standing tall over looking the ocean from the secret meeting spot where all the members of the invasion will be soon.

"We do too." Zuko declares.

"We all go your back Buddy." Sokka adds placing his hand on the boy's shoulder.

"Good cause this ends today."

Katara looks out into the ocean and freezes seeing fog. "Oh no.
Sokka, do you think the fog
will delay the invasion?"

"No, that is the invasion!" Sokka cheered racing down to the beach.

Soon ships feel the bank of the beach both Water Tribe and Fire Nation ships. Water Tribe, Earth Kingdom, and Fire Nation all stand together ready to fight for what's right.

"You made it, Dad!" Katara squeals as her father walks off of the boat.

"Were you able to locate
everyone I told you to find?
I did, but I'm
a little worried, Sokka.
Some of these men
aren't exactly the warrior type." He whispers to son as the swampers get off of the ships.

"Hi, Katara." Haru the boy from the Earth Kingdom village says as he walks up to the girl.

"Haru, it's so good to see you."

"Toph, Sying, and Zuko this is Haru.
When we met him, his town was
controlled by the Fire Nation.
So we had to hide
his Earth-bending." Katara explains as the others wave high to the man.

"Katara inspired me and my
father to take back our village.
You helped us find
our courage, Katara. Now we're here to help you." He speaks. Katara smiles wildly along with the others at the words. Soon Fire Nation members of all ages gather around the Royal couple. Sying and Zuko hold each other's hands as Lieutenant Jee steps forward.

"I come baring gifts from Genral Iroh and Chief Arnook." He states holding out twl object rolled up in fabric.

"You saw my uncle?" He questions.

"Yes, he and some friends are headed to take back Ba Sing Se. He wanted you to have this my Prince."

Zuko unravels the object to see the crown of the Fire Prince. "Wow. I thought this was lost forever."

"It was once worn by your great grandfather, Avatar Roku."

"My great grandfather?"

"Yes the Avatar was your mothers grandfather."

"Aang did you hear that!" Sying exclaims excitedly. Aang nods his head and smirks. "Nice to meet you grand son." Zuko rolls his eyes and thanks Jee as Sying unravels hers to find the crown to the Northern Water Tribe.

"General Iroh and Chief Arnook want you both to wear them to battle to show your status. It's time you both take your place as Fire Lord and Fire Lady." Jee states as the both of them help the other place the crowns upon their heads.

"There's more. We also have uniforms for the both of you. One of the Fire Nation Royal armor and that of the Northern Water Tribe Armor." He jesters to two men who carry clothing in their arms. They are handed the armor and sent to change.  Not my art.

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