Chapter 13: The Swamp

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"So let me get this straight. So while we were here gathering supplies, you three kidnapped a baby, rescued the town, then fought my sister? Is that right?" Zuko asks pinching the bridge of his nose.

The three in question nod and say, "Yeah that about sums it up."
Zuko and Sying face palm at the answer.

"Well it sounds like quite the adventure to me." Yue adds kissing Sokka's cheek. "I'm just glad none of you were hurt too badly."

"Hey, you taking us down for a reason? Aang, why are we going down?" Sokka questions as they fly downwards.

"What? I didn't even notice."

"Are you noticing now? Is something wrong?" Sying worries.

"I know this is gonna sound weird,
but I think the swamp is... calling to me." Aang states in wonder as he looks upon the swamp.

"Is it telling you where we
can get something to eat?" Zuko pipes up as all their stomachs growl.

"No, I, I think it wants us
to land there." Aang confirms.

"No offense to the swamp,
but I don't see any land there to land on." Yue adds looking at it in disgust.

"I don't know.
Bumi said to learn earthbending,
I would have to wait and listen.
And now, I'm actually hearing the earth. Do you want me to ignore it?"

Sying shakes her head, "No, if it's calling you then we need to go. It must have something to do with your Avatar journey."

"Yip yip!" He responds telling Appa to head down.

"You better throw in an extra yip.
We gotta move." He exclaims over the tornado that suddenly popped up from no where. Screams feel the air as everyone is thrown in different directions. They hit the ground at unnatural speeds as they slam into the wet muddy ground below. They all groan as they sit up only to discover they're missing a few members.

"Where's Appa and Momo?" Aang questions.

"And Yue, Zuko, and Sying?" Katara adds with a pointed look at she turns to see none of them.

"Sokka, you've got an elbow leech."Katara states as Aang flies around for their missing friends.

"Why do things keep attaching to me?"

"You couldn't find them?" Katara questions as Aang lands down beside the girl in despair.


Strange noises are heard by the royals as they walk throughout the jungle. Zuko cuts down pieces of the swamp as they go about their way. Yue jumps as a loud growling sound rings throughout their ears.

"We better speed things up." Zuko states slamming his sword into the plants.

"Maybe we should be a little
nicer to the swamp." Yue whispers as she holds his arm close.

"Do you want me to say please and thank you as I swing my machete back and forth?"

"Maybe you should listen to Yue
Something about this place feels... alive." Sying says as she gently touches a flower.

"I'm sure there are lots of things
that are alive here.
And if we don't want to wind
up getting eaten by them,
we need to find the others as fast as we can." Zuko


"APPA" Aang yells followed by a
"SYING" from Katara.

"There's no way they can hear us
and no way we can see them." Sokka sighs, "I think we should build a fire."

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