Chapter 8: Damned Air

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I have no clue how long the Gaang was in the North so I'm just gonna say two months. That seems like a reasonable time for Katara to become a master and for Zhao to reach them. Yue's weapons are twin daggers not swords as appear above.

"When are we going to tell them? They have been here for a month already. Katara told me about her mother's death during a raid after one of our training sessions. She hates the Fire Nation and she has no clue they're are people here of Fire Nation heritage." Sying explains frustrated.

Zuko wraps his arm around her and sighs thinking of himself and the members of the Wani who have been with the couple since they met. The fifteen members of the Wani transported the couple for four years before saving them from execution after the devastating Agni Kai. Lieutenant Jee is the captain of the crew and became Zuko's firebending teacher in place of Iroh after they fled the Fire Nation.

"I don't know. All three of them need to focus on their training. They can not afford to be distracted. Socks is distracted enough by Yue as it is." Zuko grits his teeth at the last statement. The Fire Prince likes Sokka but does not like the fact he's close to his little sister.

Sying rolls her has at his obviously dislike of the idea of Yue and Sokka but answers clearly anyway. "We can tell them when they've completed their training. It can be like their award."

Zuko nods before smirking. He sucks on her neck up to her ear before playfully biting it. "I could use an award, Princess."

"Guess I'll have to give you one then." She pushes him down onto the bed and crawls to straddle his waste. She rolls her hips onto his crotch that's already starting to get hard. She runs her fingers through his hair as he lick her lips for permission. The Fire Prince smirks into their kiss as he gets it before sliding his hot tongue into her mouth. She hums into the kiss but soon they pull away for air. "Damned oxygen." Zuko growls before slamming his lips back into hers. She moans into it as something hard presses into her.

He moves onto her kneck leaving a wet trail from her left shoulder up to her left ear. She hums in pleasure as his hot tongue swirls around on her sensitive skin.

"How do you expect me to covers theses up?" Sying whines as Zuko eats down to her shoulder leaving dark red marks before moving to a different spot.

"I don't. Everyone will here your sweet screams soon anyway." He smirks flipping on top of the Ice Princess. Sying turns bright red but soon forgets her embarrassment as warm hands slip under her night gown. She raises her arms so he can easily remove the garment.

Zuko stares in awe of her body as he does every time before saying, "This'll be a fun night."


During the light of day, Yue and Sokka circle each other in the courtyard waiting to see who will be the first to strike. Yue grips her twin daggers as she watches the muscle of Sokka's arm twitch as he begins to swing his sword. She crosses her daggers to counter his strike before swiftly side stepping him after the weapons collide.

After trying to train with swords for many days, Zuko decided the weapon did not suit the petit girl and helped her search for the perfect weapon. After trying throwing knives, a spear, and even a boomerang, two dusty daggers buried in the back of the storage room caught the young Princess eyes. Instantly, anyone could tell the daggers
(who she had dubbed Tui and La) were perfect for her. They eventually became as simple to use as her own arm after months of training. So it is no surprise when the petit Princess defeats the Southern boy.

She drops low and cuts his right calf with La before spinning around the back of him and slicing his arm with Tui; affectively catching him off guard enough for him to drop his sword.  She kicks the weapon away before tripping him with Tui then she kneels onto his chest with La at his throat.

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