Chapter 16: The Chase

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Long ago the four nations lived together in harmony then everything changed when the Fire Nation attacked. After finding Aang's Earth Bending teacher sorrow struck and Toph's parents were murdered by the Fire Nation for harboring the avatar and daughter of Princess Sying and Prince Zuko.

The Fire Nation continues to spread lies throughout its people as they try to defuse the affects of the words of the Rebels whom are trying to cause an uproar within the nation. A civil war seems to be upon the horizon in the remaining loyal Fire Nation colonies and soon it will spread to the Islands themselves.


Toph sleeps against Sying with tear steaks on her cheeks while Zuko holds a sleeping toddle beside them. All are in melancholy silence as they ride on Appa for a place to spend the night.

"Will she be okay?" Yue asks running her fingers through the young girls hair.

"She will be only in time but I'm positive we can help her. We all know what it is like to loose a loved one." Sying states as she leans into her husband.

"I still struggle with the death of my mother. I can't imagine what it is like to lose both parents in one night." Katara sighs.

"I lost all of my people. I can help her." Aang states from where he is riding on Appas head.

"We are her family now." Sokka pipes up from beside his sister and girlfriend. Soon they find a nice clearing to land down on to sleep for the night. Everyone but the two sleeping children get together to make camp. Next the children are placed on their newly bought sleeping bags.

"There's something coming toward us." A sleepy Toph says placing her hand on the ground.

"What is it?" Aang asks.

"It feels like an avalanche,
but also not an avalanche." Toph answers unsure.

"Your powers of perception
are frightening." Yue states from her spot.

"Should we leave?"

"Better safe than sorry."

They gather their things and everyone even little Izumi helps gather up camp to put back into Appa. They look behind them to see a big black bug like machine.

"What is that thing?" Sying wonders holding her daughter tight.

Soon they find yet another place to land but the moment of peace doesn't last long as a slight fight breaks out between the girls.

"Ah, land, sweet land." Sokka's exclaims as he stretches.

"See you guys in the morning." Toph states building a tent out of the earth.

"Actually, can you help us unload?" Katara questions as she grabs a bag.

"Really? You need me to help unload Sokka's funky-smelling sleeping bag?"

"Well, yeah.
That and everything else.
You're a part of our team now and..."

"Look, I didn't ask you to unload my stuff." Toph states bluntly and by now Sying has started listening in to the conversation seeing if it will get any worse.

"I'm carrying my own weight."

"That's not the point.
We all have to help each other! You can't just sit on your behind while we do all the work!"

"What? Look here, sugar queen.
Everything I had was taken from me so that I could teach Aang earthbending. So don't you talk to me about being selfish."

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