Chapter 14: The Blind Bandit

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Zuko and Sying enter the city disguised as peasants. Sying carries a small bundle in her arms as she walks to an enormous mansion that is praised all over the city. They blend into the crowd as the sneak off to the side and around to the back of the mansion.

Zuko climbs on top of the wall and holds out his hands to take the bundle. Sying lifts up the bundle to him before climbing over the wall and into the garden inside. Zuko then hands the bundle back to his newly wed wife before jumping down himself.

"Are you sure we should do this?"
Sying whispers as she hugs the bundle lovingly.

"It's the safest option for her. Our little Izumi."

They walk towards the house and enter it where a older couple and a little eight-year-old blind girl stand waiting. The couple walks up and hugs the family before placing the baby in their hands.

"We'll come back for you, Izumi. Mommy loves you." Both young parents kiss the baby on the head before disappearing only to visit occasionally.


"We need to find someone to teach Aang earth bending." Katara says as Sokka looks through bags.

"You need to find someone
who waits and listens before striking." Sying adds as she glances through the jewelry.

"In the swamp, we see
visions of people we've lost,
people we loved." Katara repeats out to herself.

Aang looks to her in confusion.
"But what about my vision?
It was someone I had never met." Zuko and Sying share a long look. Both nod to each to each other which the others notice in confusion.

"It's pricey, but I really do like it." Sokka states looking at a green bag.

"Then you should get it.
You deserve something nice." Yue response grabbing her purse of money from her father.

"It's not like we don't have the money." Zuko adds thinking about the fact they have three royals with them all with gold and silver from the north.

"You're right. I'm gonna get it." Sokka nods and Yue smiles while shaking her head and hands the money to the owner.

Sying glances at her husband once again and motions for him to go on. Zuko sighs but starts to speak up before Sokka interrupts him.

"Do you two have something you'd like to share with the class?" Sokka asks with his hands on his hips and purse around his waist.

Zuko looks amused at the sight but nods, "We do actually but let's head back to Appa. We have some flying to do."

The others including Yue glance at one another in confusion but they follow the couple to the giant bison anyway. The couple whispers to each other the whole way there while Sokka only grows more annoyed.

"Okay we're here. Now what's going on?" Sokka demands leaning against the animal while Bubbles chirps in agreement from atop Yue's shoulder.

"What exactly did you see, Aang?" Sying questions.

"A little girl in a fancy white dress and a flying boar symbol."

"That's your Earth Bending teacher Aang. Her names Toph and we're great friends with her family." Zuko states.

The others look an surprise, "My bending teacher? Are you sure?"

The couple looks at each other and smiles. "She's someone you have to see in action. Come follow us. It should be starting soon."

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