Chapter 21: The Kyoshi Warriors

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"Prince Zuko! Princess Sying it is so lovely to see you! I'm glad you scheduled a meeting this time instead of just bursting into my room in the middle of the night." King Kuei smile widely hugging the two royals.

"We'd like to introduce you to the Avatar." Zuko states. King Kuei raises an eyebrow at the words but steps back as Aang steps forward.

Aang bows respectively, "I am Avatar Aang the last Air Bender."

"It is an honor to meet you, Avatar. I am King Kuei of the Earth Kingdom."

"We would also like to introduce Aang's water bending master Katara of the south and her brother the master swordsman of the south Sokka." Sying smiles with her hands on both of their shoulders.

"It is lovely to meet such masters of the arts. Now what do you come for?"

"A plan for an invasion of the Fire Nation in less than two months time." Sokka states seriously.

"You came to the right place let me gather my generals and we can have a proper discussion."
The King declares as he orders his generals to gather with a wave of his hands to a servant at the side.


Three girls gather around an unexpecting  group of warriors who are camped south of Ba Sing Se. One lights a ring of fire around the camp while the others close in on the warriors who sleep peacefully.
The shriek of one of the girls wakes the others but it's to late. The Fire has spread around all the others consuming their fans. Knives fly as Tylee knocks them unconscious as the circle of fire grows higher leaving no room for escape.

"It is done girls." Azula smiles as her soldiers capture the warriors and halls them away off to the worst prisons in the nation.

They dawn the uniforms of the enemy and head to the capital city of the Earth Kingdom to meet with their spies of the disbanded Dai Le agents which have all pledged loyalty to the Fire Princess. The disappear under the lake shorty after reaching the city. Azula gathers her army with a smirk as she once again goes over her plan with her mean to replace all the soldiers of the palace with Dai Le agents.

In the night, a group of Dai Le agents glide over builds and streets and slowly knock out the guards slowly taking there place until there is only Dai Le agents left. Meanwhile, the Kyoshi Warriors arrive at the city at the brink of daylight and head for the palace as friends of the Avatar.

"Welcome to Ba Sing Se, Kyoshi Warriors. You are welcome here and I'm sure your friends can't wait to see you." The king declares with a smile.

"Expect we're not their friends and you're our enemy. All your friends are gone." Azula smiles signally for the Dai Le agents to capture the King. A round off kick is sent to his head before he can even prosses what happened.

"War is a game you're Majesty and you were never a player." Azula lights a fire dager and drags it across his throat killing the king.

"Long live the Queen."



The Gaang is arrested at dawn and pushed down in a dungeon of crystal. Azula has killed the king they're told as they are incased in rock and metal. They had no time to fight as they came as they slept. Swiftly they were all captured and luckily not killed but who knows what will happen next.

"Can't you bend us out of here Toph?" Sokka whines trying to move.

"I'm an earth bender not a metal bender."

"But you could be...." Aang exclaims.

"No I can't be, stupid."
Toph growls at the avatar.

"No they're on to something Toph. Metal is made for minerals so you could probably bend it." Sying explains.

"That is the dumbest and smartest thing I've ever heard." Katara deadpans.

Toph shrugs from inside her box of metal and punched the side to get a good look at the material the box is made of. Thousands of tiny particles feels her mind as she hits the metal soon making a small dent. The victory is short lived as the door opens and Queen Azula comes out.

"Azula." They growl.

"Hello peasants. Zuzu and whore it's nice to see you again."Azula smirks walking up to the couple.

"Azula why are you helping Ozai? He's done nothing but hurt you you're entire life." Zuko declares.

"Father has only done what is necessary to win the war."

"All he's done is cause hurt and misery for everyone including our people! Don't you see he's playing you, Zula! You'll never be enough for him even if you did deliver Sying and I to him. You'll never be enough."

"No. You'll never be enough, Zuzu. You've got the scar to prove it. You're worthless in his eyes and I'm everything the Fire Nation stands for. You're just a runaway Prince."
Azula snarls.

"Where's the king?"
Katara yells interrupting the siblings.

"In hell probably. I slit his pretty little throat." She smiles with crazy eyes. Sying's eyes glow as she jerks her head to the left controlling the blood in the new Queens body send her out cold.

"Now Toph!" Sying cries out as Toph slams both hands against the wall sending it flying backwards. At the noise Dai Le agents run into the room as Toph quickly frees her friend but they are quickly surrounded by Dai Le agents.

Sying blood bends the ones blocking their path to freedom out of the way and they make a run for it fighting along the way. Toph creates a barrier of rock that they agents quickly get through as they run to the light at the end of the crystal cave. They come across an underwater river which the water benders use to their advantage.

Water, rock, and fire collide in a beautiful dance as everyone fights for they're lives. Soon knives fly into the room followed by a cartwheeling girl. Lightning is shot at the Ice Princess as she flips out of the way. Sokka is hit by a throwing knife as Zuko redirects a blast back at Azula.

"Shit!" Sokka growls when the knife imbeds itself in his flesh. Katara looks over for a split second only to be hit in a pressure point spot by Ty Lee. Aang blows his bison whistle as he and Toph create an opening for h outside world. Heat feels the room as the two siblings fight while the others struggle to keep standing.

"That'a enough." Sying declares throwing her arms up in the air successfully gaining control of some of the Dai Le agents. She throws them backwards with a flick of her wrists as the others make a run for it. Appa lands with a thump blasts the others back into the wall as the Gaang climbs aboard.

Mai and Tylee start to get up and run after them. "Let them leave. They've already lost." Azula states standing up and shooting a lightning bolt at Aang's back as he jumps on Appa.

"Aang!" Katara yells as she grabs his unconscious figure and pulls him into her lap.

"It's done. He'll be out of commission for a while." Azula smirks as she walks back into the castle.


"Aang please be okay." Katara cries as she tries to heal his fried back.
Sying applies water to him also and feels a steady heartbeat.

"He's alive just out cold. It'll take his body awhile to heal from a direct hit like this. He's still alive though and that's all that matters."

"What do we do now?" Toph questions.

"We find our father and join him." Sokka states as the two girls heal the Avatar.

"We can still win. We can do this."

"He'll be okay right, Mo-Sying." Toph whispers as the woman let's Katara take over the healing.

"He'll be alright sweetie. Katara is an amazing healer." Sying holds the young girl tight as everyone sheds a few tears for the those of the Earth King and Ba Sing Se.

I know it's rushed but honestly the Ba Sing Se stuff isn't important for where I'm going with the story. I hope you enjoyed anyway.

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