» XVII «

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“I have no idea.” “Well, that's that.” Jungwon said and walked away. “Are you still ignoring his calls?” Heeseung asked as he folded his arms. “No...not anymore. We had a little talk in the morning.” “Oh, so you made up?” My lips formed into a thin line. “So-so, we'll see when we meet each other. I'm going.” “Can't we talk a bit longer?” He stated. “For what— wait, don't answer me. I already know the answer to that.” He slightly rolled his eyes. “I just want to know how you and Jay got closer. I've known him for a long time and he doesn't easily get in a relationship like this, especially with someone from work. What did you do to catch his attention?” I chuckled before answering. “Maybe he found me attractive because I directly asked him out for dinner when he called me into his office.”

“You asked him out first?” “You got a problem with that?” “No, that's just really hot of you.” I laughed out loud at his words. “It didn't sound so smooth when I said it out loud.” “That's really brave of you though. He could have fired you then and there if he wasn't having any of it.” He spoke in amazement. “Well...” I trialed off, forming my lips into a thin line. “I suppose we really were meant to be with each other.” I stated, nodding my head. He gawked at me without saying anything. “Uh...okay? I'll get going now, I guess. Have a wonderful day.” I uttered before ignoring his continuous gaze and walking away from there. Holy cow, he knows how to flirt with just a simple stare. I grimaced and shivered. Will he be trouble in the future though? “Where did you vanish to?!” Sunoo shrieked.

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“Get home safely.” “You too~!” I simply waved while the bubbly figure smiled and waved enthusiastically. I swear, he still has so much energy even after work. I released a sigh when I noticed that I was the only one in the office. What the heck am I still doing here? I slapped myself and started wrapping up as well. I heard loud footsteps coming from a particular direction and I smirked as soon as I realised who it was. Before I could turn and face him, he pulled me by my arm and engulfed me into a big and warm hug. He let out a deep breath. “I missed you so much.” I chuckled and wrapped my arms around him as well. “We talked to each other though.” “That doesn't make me content. Ah~ I finally have the chance to see and hug you.” “What's up with you today?”

He pulled away and firmly held my hands. “Be happy that you're seeing this side of me right now.” I shrugged and looked somewhere else. “Are you free now?” I asked. “Nope, I still have three pending meetings. Do you want to go there with me?” “Hell no, I have other things to do.” “Hm? Like what?” He asked with a cocky smile on his face. “Stuff. I want to ask you something though.” “Ask away.” “What did you do to Sunghoon?” He froze and stared into my eyes. “I thought you knew. I fired him.” I furrowed my eyebrows in disbelief. “Please tell me the truth.” “I'm telling you, that's the truth.” I looked down at his hands which were still connected to mine. “If that was true, he would've tried to come in here without notice and see me. You know that he's lovesick, don't you?” I spoke.

“No doubt.” He responded and slowly let go of my hands. It was quiet for some time. “I asked because some of them were pretty confused and surprised by the sudden news. Plus, Heeseung and Jungwon said that they didn't see him when you left before him from your office.” “Oh? They walked in to see him?” I hesitantly nodded. “Huh...and you believed them?” My heart paced up every time he spoke. My eyes went everywhere. “They didn't look like they were lying.” He slightly shook his head. “I left long after Sunghoon left. Maybe they weren't paying much attention.” He nonchalantly spoke and took a glance at his expensive wristwatch. The normal Jay was back. I folded my arms and stared at him. “I have to go now. If you want, I can drop you off to your place on my way.” He looked out for my reaction.

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“I'll call you over when I'm back.” I simply nodded at his words and got out from the car. The driver directly drove off and I turned in my heels to walk inside. Did I forget to turn off the lights? I thought to myself as soon as I walked in since the lights were all switched on. Or Jaeyun is here again. I released a soft sigh before calling him out. “Why didn't you tell me that you were coming over again?” He poked out his head from behind one of the couches. “I was planning to surprise you but I'm still a tad bit mad at you for talking to me like that yesterday.” I folded my arms and stood there, watching him. “What is it?” I shortly noticed the stars visible in his eyes and before I could shriek out of happiness, Layla jumped out from there.

“My little baby!” I squealed and gave her a big hug. Jake stood up straight and watched the scene with a big smile plastered on his face. “Why is she here?” I asked, looking up at him. “I felt the house was too empty with only me being there so~ yeah, I needed my furry emotional support with me.” He joined us on the floor. “She looks better than the time I last saw her.” I stated. He stared off for a moment. “Did Sunghoon happen to reach up to you today?” My head shot up. “No, I was also trying to ask you that. You haven't heard from him?” He shook his head. “He couldn't answer my calls.” “That's weird.” “Try calling him too. He might pick up when he sees you're the one calling him.” I took out my phone and handed it to him. “You call him.”

He released a breath before ringing his number. I silently paid attention to the faint continuous ringing of the phone while messing with Layla. He was about to give up when the ringing suddenly stopped and a tired yet enthusiastic voice rang out. “Hyewon?” Jake turned to me and mouthed the words. “I told you so.” He turned around and started speaking. “Hey, Sunghoon, it's Jaeyun.” He chuckled. I lightly shook my head. There's no way to separate these two. “Can you believe this dude?!” Jake's voice echoed, catching Layla's and my attention. “What happened?” I asked. He angrily trotted to me. “He hung up on me without even saying anything. What's up with him?” He complained. I chuckled. “At least we know that he isn't dead.” He handed me back my phone. “Yeah, maybe he's having mood swings again.”


“I had to lie to Hyewon to check up on you. How are you feeling?” “Are you kidding me right now? I'm clearly tied up onto a freaking stool in a dark arse basement by my boss. How do you think I'm feeling?” Sunghoon spat furiously. The latter chuckled. “I don't know but, Hyewon seemed to be pretty worried about you today.” “Really?” “Yeah, she's really clever, I gotta say.” “I like her for a reason.” Sunghoon cut off in between. “So do I. Anyway, she directly thought that I was doing something horrible to you. She's a great secret keeper, I did a good job trusting her. I'm just not sure if I should trust you too and let you go.” “You being a vampire isn't a big of a deal, honestly. It won't be interesting even if I tell anyone about it.” He spoke, rolling his eyes as he did so. “Really?”

Before the latter could go on, the phone laying on a table on the far side of the room started ringing. Jay released a frustrated sigh before walking towards it and taking a look at the caller. “Oh, it's your ex, do you want to talk to her?” “Hyewon? O-Of course, give me the phone.” Sunghoon reacted. The latter snickered at his actions and snatched the phone before slowly walking towards him again. “Hurry up, she doesn't have much patience.” “My bad, my bad, here you go.” He answered the call for him and put it on speaker. “Hyewon?” A brief moment of silence before someone spoke from the other line. “Hey, Sunghoon, it's Jaeyun.”A chuckle followed. “You couldn't seem to answer my calls so I decided to call through Hyewon's phone. I knew you'd pick up .” Silence filled the air before Jay pressed the hang up button. “Well, that was a waste of time. Where were we? Oh, right. Do you want me to show you how bad this vampire thing can go?”

© 2021 -JAKISM

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