» VI «

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I sighed in frustration as I redo my hair. It had been weeks since I last saw my parents and I wasn't sure if they would be pleased with how I dressed up. Jake knocked on the door for the ninth time. “For goodness sake, Hyewon, they're our parents. It doesn't matter if you dress up nice in front of them.” “Oh you don't know, Jaeyun. You don't need to bother about all those things because everything you do is perfect and they always approve of it no matter what. You'll never be able to experience what I'm going through.” I spat as I angrily looked at myself in the mirror. A sigh could be heard from outside. “Just...put your hair up on a ponytail or leave it as it is. I'll wait outside the house.” His footsteps faded away and I sighed. I wish days didn't have to pass by so fast. I grabbed my bag and walked out from the room.

I got in the car with a frown on my face. He just glanced at me and started the car. “They sounded pretty excited about today.” I didn't respond in any way, I just looked out the window. “They're really looking forward to see you, so it won't be nice for you to make your appearance with that attitude.” “But they should've been the one to ring me up when they knew I got a job, not vice versa.” “Excuse me, I called them.” “Well, we're siblings so that practically means we're one.” He rolled his eyes and continued to keep his eyes on the road. “Don't expect the worst to happen, this might be your chance to change their perspective. First, greet them with a warm smile and be responsive. If they bring up the past, try not to get mad or carried away. Don't address them like Mrs. Shim or by their names again, call them mom and dad, please, they're your parents too.” He continued to speak while I quietly listened. I can't be more proud to have him as an elder brother.

“Good to see you again, Hyewon.” My whole body froze up when I saw that they were smiling. It didn't seem to be fake at all. Jake lightly nudged me and I bowed. “Good to see you too.” I returned a smile involuntarily. “I hope you weren't waiting for a long time.” Jake flashed them a sheepish smile. This boy and his hidden charmer, his smile. “Don't worry, we didn't need to wait long.” Mom spoke, her smile never leaving her face. “You're our kids after all, we could wait forever to see the two of you.” Dad added. I awkwardly smiled. Please tell me you're only saying that because Jaeyun is here. “We had already reserved a table for the four of us, let's get going. I bet you're hungry.” We followed them behind as they confidently walked to a particular table. Some people who noticed us started whispering here and there, quite surprised to see the ‘Shim’ family to be out and have a brunch all together.

“I thought Mr. Shim said that he wished he never had Hyewon as his daughter.” “Those are probably just rumours. Look, they're so happy together as a family.” “Maybe she finally found a suitable job.” One of the gossiping people giggled. “I would totally introduce my daughter to her elder brother if she wasn't this messed up.” “I know, right? Who would want to be related to them after those embarrassing things their daughter did?” “She really spoilt her dad's image.” “Wasn't she searching for that boy who survived the car crash?” “She did, I think she's still searching. What's up with her? The boy's probably embarrassed to give in and tell her that he was the one, did she never think of that? She's unbelievable.” They continued to talk and silently laugh at us. How bad I wanted to kill myself that day.

“I hope we're not bothering you from work.” Dad smiled apologetically. “It's alright, you're not. They give us holidays on Sundays.” I answered. “Look at you talking like you've been working there for more than a year, I'm so proud of you.” Mom smiled brightly. Weird. Doesn't her jaw hurt from all the smiling? I nervously smiled back and glanced at Jake who was minding his own business. “It has been long since we last saw the two of you together. You should visit us more often like Jaeyun does.” Mom insisted. “Mom~ you're the one who tells me to come over almost every day.” “Ah~ that's different.” I uncomfortably took a sip of the drink in front of me. I winced at the taste. “Is this cocktail?” I asked, putting it back on the table. “Oh right, I forgot you disliked cocktails. Sorry about that.” Dad quickly took the glass away. Why am I not surprised? I secretly rolled my eyes. I couldn't put on the smile Jake had talked about earlier anymore.

People still seemed to be gossiping as we quietly had our food. I barely ate because their conversations always caught my attention and often triggered me. We had been there for almost half an hour but they hadn't asked anything related to my new job, not even who my boss was. The boss was the thing I wanted to boast about, to be honest. I had just started working on Wednesday but he was in my mind 24/7. Jake nudged me with his elbow, causing me to flinch in surprise. “Weren't you paying attention?” He whispered quite madly. “Uhm...you were saying?” I hesitantly smiled as I looked at them. “We wanted to know if you were still keeping in contact with Park Sunghoon.” I formed my lips into a thin line at the mention of his name. Eeesh, I know that you hate him and I do too but you didn't have to say his full name like that. I looked down at the plate while gripping onto the fork. “Yes, we're working in the same place. Plus, he hasn't been able to let go of me.”


Jay had been keeping an eye on Hyewon ever since she started working. He was quite impressed by how fast she learnt how to do things around the building. “Get out from my office! You better come up with something to solve the problem you have caused!” The worker quickly ran out from the office. Hyewon confusedly made her appearance not long after the worker dashed out. “Excuse me, are you free, Mr. Park?” She timidly made her way closer to him. “Yeah, but you'll have to make it quick.” “Okay, so...my family decided to have a family time together at around noon tomorrow. I was trying to ask if you allowed to let me go.” Shim family outing, huh? I don't want to miss this out. “Where is it?” He nodded as she hesitantly gave him the name of the place. “I think Sunoo forgot to mention that everyone's on a break on Sundays, for religious purposes.” He slightly smiled. “You can go. Have a wonderful time together with your family.” She slightly turned red when he showed her his rare smile. “O-Okay, thank you very much, Mr. Park.” She bowed and quickly walked out from there with a flushed face. Cute. Jay chuckled to himself before turning his serious mode on again.

៚ · •

Jay reached exactly at 12:00 in the afternoon and sat quite far from the table Mr. Shim had reserved. He patiently waited for an hour before Hyewon and her brother finally made their appearance, along with their parents. He glanced around at the people who were talking bad stuff behind their backs. He didn't want to bother about it and continued to put his attention to the Shim family only. He closely observed Hyewon's actions and expressions. He started baring his fangs as Hyewon involuntarily exposed the skin of her neck. Her fair and healthy flesh catching his dark yellow eyes and making him lose his focus. He silently started hissing but he abruptly stopped when she looked down, causing her hair to cover her skin. He blinked continuously. Gosh, what's wrong with you, Jongseong? He lightly shook his head and focused on the family once again.

© 2021 -JAKISM

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