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The sound of our utensils and plates clattering jointly filled the whole room as we had our food in silence. I didn't dare to speak up first. Two royal-like servants stood by the entrance of the dining room while we had our food. Aren't they hungry too? “Are you enjoying the food?” He suddenly asked and I nodded hastily. “It's good.” “Good?” “Delicious, I meant.” I stuttered and proceeded to take a bite with a pleasant expression on my face. “I'm glad. I hope you aren't still too bothered about my secret.” “It's fine, you don't have to worry about it. Your secret is safe with me.” I barely pulled up a smile. It felt weird to be having dinner with my boss, crush to be exact. Plus, he was an unnatural kind of person. He wasn't even human. It made me want to know how he became like that.

“You must be deep in your thoughts.” I jolted up my head in surprise. “How can you know?” He shrugged. “It's like you're completely...visible to me, your thoughts.” “Uh— oh?” “Well, let this be a warning, don't think about anything that could make me irritated since I can read your mind.” My lips formed into a thin line, feeling repentant about the silly thoughts I had in the past. “So, tell me more about yourself.” “O~kay, I was born in a pretty well-off family. I have a brother who is a year older than me...and a dog. I had been in a coma for a month.” He raised an eyebrow. “That was a bit too unnecessary, wasn't it?” I cringed and he simply chuckled. “It's all fine, we're getting closer to each other after all. Go on, tell me more about the coma.” He lowered his utensils and put his hands together as he stared at me in anticipation.

I nervously chuckled before I started speaking again. “It was because of a stupid quarrel that made me meet with an accident. Jeez, don't tell this to anyone. I must have told you that Sunghoon and I used to date, six years ago.” He nodded. “Ha, well, you can just imagine how immature we were those times. We thought that we were meant for each other and decided to tell our parents about it, we wanted their confirmation of bringing our relationship to another step after we both graduated. Sunghoon's parents were neutral about it. But then my parents were the problem. I kept on asking them again and again but they always said the same thing, ‘You've been only together for a month, your feelings for him will eventually fade away sooner or later. You won't want to get heartbroken then, do you?’ They were right, honestly.”

“But 18 year old me got really stubborn and decided to storm out from the house with my father's car keys. I started the car and drove towards Sunghoon's place. I thought they would be more understanding and comfort me. My thoughts were all over the place that I didn't even notice the car I was running into. I didn't have a license back then, I just got it when I turned 22. So, I crashed into another car and I blacked out as they had said I hit my head pretty hard. When I woke up, it was already March.” I released a sad chuckle. “As soon as I got my senses back, my first instinct was to find out whose car I crashed into. I only got plenty of information, they were a family of three, a mother, a father and a son. The parents passed away, sadly. Only the son managed to survive the crash. I was gonna ask for more information about the son when they said he ran away from the hospital before anyone could ask him further questions. That's when I decided to search for him on my own.”

“You searched for him?” He softly asked. “Yep, it was hard but, I promised myself I would apologize to him no matter what. I often told myself that I survived the crash only because I was given a chance to correct all the wrong things I did in the past every time I planned to give up on the case.” “Are you still searching for him, then?” “I don't know.” I giggled, not so sure. “I assume I have met with everyone named Park Jongseong in this country.” I sighed. “Maybe they were right, he probably doesn't want to face me because he's embarrassed, or he's scared because he might get humiliated. He might have changed his name or moved to another country, who knows.” “You must have had a hard time looking for him, I suppose.” I hesitantly nodded. “Don't think it negatively though. He is probably...dead or busy with his own life. You should keep on trying your best and continue to search for him. I'm sure you'll meet him at the end.”

I slightly smiled. “That's pretty reassuring. Can I ask you questions now?” “Of course.” “You said that...you were a vampire earlier.” He nodded with a grin on his face. “And that you bit me yesterday. Then...where did the mark go?” “It's magic.” “What?” “We can heal the marks we left on humans.” “W-We— there are more people like you?” “How did you think I turned into a vampire?” “I don't know, that was my next question, honestly.” “Uh...I got offered by an old guy. We had a deal that I agreed to.” “Interesting, what was the deal?” “It's a secret.” He smiled. “Will you tell me someday?” “If you're still dating me after two years, of course.” I laughed. “I don't think I would take interest in you for that long.” “That means I have to come up with ideas that will make you like me more.” “Don't try too hard.” He chuckled at my words. “I have one last question.” “Okay?”

“Do you have a name, other than just ‘Jay Park’?”

© 2021 -JAKISM

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