"Back to the hangar we first arrived in," Amara says.

"You sure?" Poe asks through the comms.

Amara nods, "Positive,"

The Falcon flies outside of the Stardestroyer and heads to the hangar where they first landed. Poe and Chewie lift the Falcon up and see a lot of Stormtroopers inside there with Kylo Ren and Rey.

"We got company in there!" Poe yells through the comms, "And we're taking fire!"

"Just keep them off the Falcon," Amara shouts back, "We'll get Rey back onboard!"

The Falcon rotates itself to have the rear of the ship facing the hangar. Poe had flipped a switch causing a blast of wind to blow the troopers back, including Kylo Ren.

Although, the two Force users braced for it. Amara pushes the button and opens the ramp. Amara placed an oxygen mask over her mouth and heads down, Finn follows with an oxygen mask over his mouth.

"Rey-!" Finn yells, "Come on!"

Amara held onto part of the ramp that lowered down, she looks at her brother. Kylo Ren looks to her. Amara's eyes drift from her brother to see Rey looking at them, the two of them. Finn and Amara. Rey glanced away looking to Kylo Ren. Before she turns and runs over towards the ship.

The young Jedi sprinted and then jumped into the air, she was braced by two people grabbing her. Both Finn and Amara grabbed her and pulled her up the ramp, inside before she ran out of oxygen. The ramp quickly pulled up and the ship took off out of Kijimi's atmosphere and then into hyperspace.


THE LANDING gear was broken on the Falcon. So Amara, Finn, and Rey were trying to figure out how to fix it before arriving in the Endor System. Amara was a little away from Rey and Finn, she wanted to give them privacy. She knew Finn wanted to tell her about his new found Force ability, but is still a bit nervous.

"All that matters," Rey says, "Is the Sith wayfinder and finding Exegol."

Finn glanced at Rey, "That's what we're doing," He tells her.

Rey frowns, "He killed my mother and my father. I have to find Palpatine, and destroy him."

Amara lifts her head from a paneling she was working on with BB-8's help, she glanced over to Rey and Finn.

Finn seemed a bit disturbed by that, "That doesn't sound like you, Rey."

Rey doesn't acknowledge him. She closes the panel.

"The Rey I know-," Finn was cut off.

Amara stands up now from the paneling she was working on near the floor. Rey glanced over seeing Amara up and then back to Finn.

"People keep telling me that they know me," She says, "I'm afraid no one does."

Rey says nothing more but walks off. Finn was left standing there, he glanced over to Amara. The two looked at each other for a moment, before Amara quickly went after Rey.

"Rey," Amara calls out in the hall, "Rey-!"

Rey halts in her steps. The two female Jedi stood in the hallway, one having her back to the other. Slowly, however, Rey turned her gaze to Amara.

"Did you know?" Rey asks.

Amara gave a puzzled expression.

Rey took another step forward, "He knew it," She says, "But did you know it?"

"Rey," Amara says softly, "I need you to give me more than did I know?"

Rey sighs, "How long did you know I am Palpatine's granddaughter?" Rey asks Amara.

AWAKENजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें