𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟸 : 𝙳𝚎𝚊𝚍 𝙰𝚞 (𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝)

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Requested by Alias___7. I changed a few things about your request and kinda made it like a reverse ghost deku au. Hope you like it! (sorry it's so short)

"Hey Shi?" I look up to see Uraraka standing there.


"When will you play the next Au?"

"Probably when everyone wakes up" I look over her shoulder to see most of the theatre still asleep, the awake ones playing uno. Which was probably a bad choice of a game to give them, but the only other option was monopoly, and that one wrecks friendships.

"Ok!" She went back to where some people were watching the uno competition. The room was silent.

But the silence didn't last long, for Kaminari called Uno then won the game. And Bakugo wasn't very happy.

After breaking up the fight, I noticed that it had woken the rest of the theatre. Meaning it was time for the Au.

"Ok, time for the next Au!" I said before pressing a few buttons.

It shows a little girl running. Her green hair blows in the wind, and her grey and teal eyes are sparkling. In her hands, she holds an all night doll and she wears a light grey dress.

"She's so cute!" The girls squealed.

"She looks like a toddler version of female Midoriya from a few Au's ago, except with Todoroki's eyes" Momo noted.

"I'mm gonna get you Izumi!" A voice yells and the little girl giggles, then notices where she is and stops. 

A man who looks like an older version of the girl, except with green eyes, runs towards her, but stops halfway there and looks beyond her. 

"Why did they stop?" 

"Is that her dad?" 

"Why does he look familiar?" 

"Will y'all just watch this for a bit longer? It'll give you the answers"

The camera turns to show rows of graves, showered in flowers and gifts, which covered the names. 

"That's a lot of graves" 

"Daddy, who are these people?" The girl asks as her father comes over and scoops her up. 

"So it is her father"

"I guess it's time to tell you" The man walks towards the graves. 

He brushes some yellow roses aside to reveal the words 'Katsuki Bakugo'. 

There was a gasp from the theatre and Bakugo went pale. 

"This is the grave of my best friend" He tells the girl "All of these are the graves of my friends" 

"Does that mean...?" Uraraka looks at me

"Yes. Those are your graves" Saying this just made the theatre more pale. Even the villain kinda went pale.

"how did they die?" 

"There was a war a few years back. They all died."

"Even me?" Aizawa asks. 

I nod "Your grave is farther away, at a better area cause you were a pro. But since the students weren't fully pro, they didn't go anywhere special" 

The man puts the girl down and she walks around, uncovering the names of the other graves. 

'Ochako Uraraka'

'Ejiro Kirishima' 

'Denki Kaminari'

'Fumikage Tokoyami' 

'Shinso Hitoshi'

'Tenya Iida'

"Oh... we're dead. Fun" Iida says. 

"Wait. Since when did you know sarcasm?" 

"Well, you see the au-" He stopped when I glared at him.

"I-I mean I guess I picked it up from you guys"  

The girl stopped at the last one, which was closer to where they had come from. She brushed off the red roses, she stops for a moment. 

"Daddy, who's this?" She points to the grave. It read 'Shoto Todoroki'. 

The man smiled. "That sweetie, is your father" 

"That's why the man looks familiar!" Kaminari yells. 

"It's Deku!" They turn to the green haired boy who's face was bright red. 

"I have a child?" He manages to stutter out. 

"How manly bro!" 

"She's so cute though!" 

"How did two males have a child?"

𝐃𝐞𝐤𝐮𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞! (𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐢𝐬𝐡𝐞𝐝!)Where stories live. Discover now