𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟹 : 𝙶𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝙳𝚎𝚔𝚞

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Ok so unlike my last chapter, I didn't make a plan for the au, so i'm just going with what i randomly come up with.

People in theatre: Class 1A, the LOV, Aizawa, Present Mic, Midnight, All Might, monoma, kendo, shinsou, and Me!

"I have returned!" Shi said. It was a new day, but as Shi had explained randomly a few hours ago, as long as they were in the theatre, time was stopped outside of it. They could be gone for years and when they return, it would be like nothing had happened.

(I just realised that since Shi is my OC i can do this from their point of view for the rest of chapter: Shi POV)

I clapped my hands, and the beds that I had made earlier disappeared and everyone appeared back in their chairs. I then started up the projector, putting a disk in and an image appeared on the screen.

"Whoops! Wrong thing!" I said and quickly removed the disk, making the image of erasermic kissing disappear from the screen. As Aizawa and Hizashi (Present Mic) blush like crazy, I turn over and take the disk that Bex offered, and put it in the slot before starting back up the projector.

"So quick explanation of the next universe. Like the last universe, Deku jumped from that building, except for this one, he hit the ground" silence fills the room. I look up to seem them all looking at me, like they were waiting to see if I was joking. Some of them knew that I wasn't joking and they either held their heads in their hands or tears rolled down their cheeks.

"At any time during this universe, you can come up to me, and I'll send you to the cool down room, which you can stay in for as long as you want" I said and then press the play button on the projector

It starts with a hospital room. The noises of the heartbeat monitor thing fill the room. On the bed, there was Deku. Bandages cover his body, but tufts of green hair escape from the head bandages. Next to him, a woman that looks like Deku sits, silents tears escaping her eyes as she watched her son. The door opens and Bakugo and a lady that looks like him enters. Mitsuki gives Inko a hug and Bakugo sits down on the other side of Deku.

"Why am I there?" Bakugo asks.

"I think you know" I say to him and he nods then looks back at the screen, wiping his eyes.

"Is the great King Explosion murder crying?" Mina asks and dodges when he tries to hit her.

"French shit's glitter went in my eyes" Bakugo says and Aoyama looks at him, offended.

Suddenly, there was a loud beeping noise, and the heartbeat monitor thing shows a flat line. Doctor's rush into the room, pushing Bakugo, Mitsuki and Inko out. A nurse comes and leads them to the waiting room, but before they go, you can see the doctors performing CPR on Deku.

The room gets even more silent, if that was possible. Deku stands up and comes over to me. I get Jamie to bring him to one of the cool down rooms.

Bakugo paces in the waiting room. As much as he doesn't want to admit it, he was worried for the nerd. Then a doctor comes in. Inko scans the doctor's face, hoping for the best, but the doctor looks down and shakes his head. Inko burst into tears, Mitsuki trying her best to comfort her and Bakugo looks pale. It was his fault. He was sure of it.

The screen went black

The Bakugo here also went pale. Aizawa cried into his husbands shoulder, hating that his student was dead, even if it was in another universe. Todoroki let some tears escape, which surprised some people, because it was the first time that they had seen him cry.

The screen goes white and the words "two years later" appear.

It shows Bakugo sitting in the UA classroom, twirling a pencil in his fingers and Aizawa drones on about something. His hair is being ruffled by a breeze, which is weird given no windows are open nor is anyone else affected by this breeze. He was looking at a paper. There, one of the pencil's was moving by itself, drawing a little smiley face.

"Damn Deku"

"Who are you talking to Bakubro?" Suddenly, Kiri appears next to Bakugo.

"Mind your own business Shitty Hair!"

"Fine, but will you at least do the project with me?"

Behind Kiri, random pieces of paper with writing on them appear.

"Yes Shitty Hair I will do the project with you" Bakugo said in a robot voice, reading off the cards, glancing back at Kiri every once in a while, who was clueless about what was happening.


Kirishima laughed "That looks like what Mina did for me a while back when Bakugo asked to work with me"

Mina stuck her tongue out at him and then they turned back to the screen.

The screen went black and the words "two hours later" appeared

It showed Bakugo walking back to his dorm. He left the door open for a second more then needed, then closed and locked it. He grabbed a handful of sand and walked to his bathroom, to a small area with lots of piles of sand. He waited a moment, before throwing the sand up into that air, so it fell over the piles of sand. Suddenly an imprint of a person was seen in the sand, coughing.

"Is this seriously the best way Kachan?" The ghost Deku asked, and looked up at Bakugo.

The theatre was silent for a moment, surprised, when suddenly a loud bang was heard from the back. I turned off the projector, since that was the end of the video, clapped to give everyone snacks and then went to check out what had happened.

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