𝚀&𝙰 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛!

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Sadly there was only three questions for this, but thanks for putting in the questions! I will probably do another Q&A chapter when this book is more popular so there will be more questions!

NikoRose91 - Why haven't you introduced your mother to your cute little friends? Are you embarrassed by me? Did I do something wrong? (Yes I'm aware that that was more than one question)

Answer - Actually they have heard of you, and you actually adopted Ava from what I've heard. They all also have wattpad accounts, but Mel doesn't check hers. Mad's account is Madilynn27, Ava's account is Slytherdore200727, and Mel's is LazyPotato2341. So far the rest of my friends are made up, or Bex. And I've mentioned Bex's account in my other books (Bex_And_A_Hex).

A22H0L369 - 1 Oi overbitch (if you add him ) why did you not hire a Anesthesiologist to make eri not feel pain

2 shigi why don't you use a chapstick

Answer -

1 - Shi: *claps*
*overhaul appears*
O: Who are you?
S: Someone who wishes to stab you but you have to answer that question first.
O: *reads question* The Shie Hassaikai didn't have one, and I wasn't going to hire someone random. Imagine how many germs they would have crawling on them *shudder*
S: Ok. You can leave *claps and teleports Overhaul to a pool of acid they have hiding in their basement*

2 - Shi: Shigi get your crusty ass over here.
Shigi: What do you want?
Shi: This wonderful person has a question
Shigi: *reads* what the f*ck is chapstick?
Shi: ... You don't know what chapstick is?
Shigi: No?
Shi: *hands him a thing of chapstick and some lotion of course* go have Mamagiri help you with those

Slytherdore200727 When are you going to do a deku vers of all of your ships that aren't together where they react to a AU that they are together

Eventually. I'm probably making the idea at the moment. But it won't happen for a little while because I think that all my ships are currently together.

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