Chapter 20

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                      ARRRRRRR…..if you’re wondering what that is, it’s my warm up exercise to deliver my project. I wore my lucky black shirt with my favorite silver belt, and my three-fourth jeans.

                     I tied my hair back with a glittery black rubber band, and right now I’m off to school. ARRRRRRR, Lola.

                     Oh gosh, I’m back, Lola, and I did fabulously in my project! Dan looked miserable…BUT he delivered his project quite well. Mark and Philip rocked (Mainly because of Philip. He is sooo cool!). I also did some research (Or snooping) on him. Here’s an account:

               He has messy goldish darkish brown-black hair (Almost my color!), the cutest blue eyes, and a superb nose (Unlike mine!). I could have told you more about his other features, but he caught me staring rather crudely at him, and I stopped staring. I also snooped on his conversations.

               He loves Angelina Jolie, hates Daniel Vettori (Who said I liked Daniel Vettori, huh? Okay, I did, but I don’t now) and he is really mad at Dan for having brought Rosalie into their ‘Guy Group’.

         I really don’t know how girls can fawn around Dan when there’s a guy as hot as Philip in the school. Maybe it’s because he’s not that rich.

         I totally don’t care (Mainly because I’m not that rich). I’ve so got to be his friend, and I’ll do everything in my power to make that happen.

                 Talking about school, who cares? I’m sure I did my biology test pretty well (I think!), and Julie and I shined at the project delivering. All I can think about is Philip (Did I just write that?).

           EEEWWWW, Lola, I’m so gross! I think it’s the after effects of mom’s sprouts sandwich. I actually feel sorry for Dan, because he’s lost his two best friends.

           I’m going to practice ‘Standard Deviation’, you know, a topic in Maths, and go to sleep.

NOTE TO SELF: I hate Daniel Vettori! I hate Daniel Vettori?

RESOLUTION: Get Philip to notice me.

OUTFIT WORN TODAY: Mentioned above.

HOMEWORK:Miraculously nothing!

                       I’ve just played ‘Rockstar’ sung by Hannah Montana (I know, it’s really old, but sometimes such songs bring back fond memories of my past when I was young and innocent. This particular one reminds me of the time I was singing and dancing on my bed with Margaret in 8th grade. Funny how quickly things change, isn’t it??) I feel the exact same way about Philip. Ever realize how deep songs are sometimes?

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