Chapter 23

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                 Lola, I starved today. No kidding. All I had was orange juice for breakfast, plus I went jogging for half an hour around Bylane Park.

           I just happened to see Philip there, you know, not like I snooped on his conversations and overheard him say he’d be at Bylane’s Park at six in the morning…you know, it was just coincidence.

            I took my walkman with me (I agree, it’s a total dinosaur in the world of technology), listened to Britney Spear’s ‘TOXIC’ (It’s a really weird song) and jogged past Philip, with a bright smile on my face.

       He didn’t notice me, so I jogged the other way. He didn’t notice me then either, so I jogged past him once again. He looked up, irritated, from his book (he was actually reading ‘Pride and Prejudice’- thank you Julie!) I grinned and jogged rather slowly. He shook his head, and continued reading the book (He prefers Jane Austen to me!). So much for my fifteen minutes of jogging!

         I jogged back home, my spirits rather dampened. I worked out for ten minutes, and right now I’m gulping down sour orange juice.

        My mom’s rather worried (I haven’t told her I’m starving-which, incidentally I’m not doing very well-, she’d totally freak out!). I really have got to go to school.

                I can’t believe it! I totally embarrassed myself today.

        During geography, I turned sideways to look at Philip, and he was actually looking at me!

          I was really elated; until Julie told me I had a piece of broccoli on my teeth. EEEWWW! How gross can I get!

           But then again, I am pretty sure he was looking at me even before I had turned, and I hadn’t even opened my stupid mouth!

          And we had a surprise test on Standard Deviation. I totally flunked it. I did quite well in my history test, because it’s one subject in which you can write pages and pages of stories.

       Miss. Prissy told us that our class was the most distracted in the whole school.

    She read out a few names of students who performed badly in their tests. Veronica’s name was on the list! She had failed in geography, math and history.

      Philip failed too, in English (After reading Pride and Prejudice! Another similarity, we both are HOPELESS in English!) and Geography.

    Dan had passed in all his tests, except in math. Turns out he had fallen ill that day, so he was let off.

          Miss. Prissy commended me for my excellent performance in all the tests. I flushed red, and the whole class giggled. Julie smiled too, until she caught me glaring at her. The bell went for break, and the teacher left.

        Dan came forward to me, a hint of a sneer on his lips. I tried to run out, but Philip and Mark caught me (HELP!).

        Dan jerked his head towards the rest of his football team mates and they came forward. Rosalie and the rest of the girls leaned forward, as if I was some kind of freak show.

          Julie stepped forward, and said,

                      ‘Leave her alone!’ (Thank you!).

   Dan stared at her for a split second, and said, a pretty dazed expression on his piggish face,

                   ‘Why should I?’ Julie glared at him, and said,

                           ‘Because I say so’.

   He just said, “Leave her”, and he left the class.

    Philip and Mark looked puzzled, until they heard Dan say ‘Come on!’ and they left.

        All the girls simply stared at Julie, who just went back to her seat. I was left standing shell shocked.

         I ran to Julie, and said,

                 ‘How the heck do you do that?’ Julie Looked at me (The Look’s back!) and said, for the second time,

            ‘I told you he isn’t a bad person’ and resumed eating her chocolate pudding.

        Weird, huh Lola, how Dan’s always sympathetic to Julie? Plus he’s real sweet and helpful around her. Maybe…uh uh, no way, no no no.

         I just talked to my mom about being a nerd, and she was like,

                 ‘Honey, there’s nothing wrong in being a nerd, maybe it’s just the fact that you hate yourself. Look deep into yourself. When you look into the mirror, is you the thing you want to see?’ and blah… blah… blah she went on and on.

          I really hate it when mom gets into parenting mode. It totally pisses me out. G’night. Lola.

NOTE TO SELF: Do research (or snooping, whatever you want to call it!) on Julie and Dan’s special relationship.

RESOLUTION:Stop hitting on Philip.

OUTFIT WORN TODAY: Repeat of last Wednesday.

HOMEWORK: 1) Mathematics- Nothing.

                  2) Language- Learn French sentences from pg 23 to                        

                                     pg 67.

                               3) Physics- Learn ‘Mechanics’ lesson.

                  4) History- Learnparagraph on Hitler.   

Clara's Diary (Completed!)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora