Chapter 22

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            Lola, I couldn’t sleep yesterday. It’s because we’re getting our project grades today.

             I just finished my yoga session (My mom said it would take some fat off my tummy). I really can’t wait for my project grade. I think Dan will get a B+; he did do a pretty good job.

           Philip (O.M.G) was great, along with Mark. They spoke about…well… I was too busy looking at Philip. He is so immensely cute! (Okay…looks like my FORGET PHILIP resolution is definitely not working!)

                 Hey, Lola, I just came back from school. I’m really pleasantly surprised right now! WHY???

                        I got an H in my project! Julie got an H too! (I know that that was pretty OBVIOUS! But hey, I’m allowed to make a few mistakes when I’m hyper, right!)

             When the teacher announced our grades, we screamed out really loud and hugged each other. Owing to this great show of enthusiasm, we were greeted with dirty looks from the rest of the class. At least, I was. The Dan Man actually had the decency to congratulate Julie for her great performance.

                                                               GO FIGURE!!!

              Dan got an A, while Mark and Philip failed with an F(How could the teacher bear make Philip fail??? I mean, have you seen him!)

                                 And wait for the greatest shock.

    During gym, I was reading Jane Austen’s ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (Say what you want, I’m not a nerd, I’m only reading this because Julie recommended it, but to tell the truth, it’s pretty AWESOME!!!).

            Dan was practicing football. He changed into his sleeveless football jersey, and when he came out…well, here’s a hint-the girls practically swooned.

                  It’s because he actually has muscles! Yeah, well arm muscles, not six pack abs or something.

         Rosalie tried so hard to flirt (she looked like a chicken flapping it’s wings around) with him, but I don’t think he noticed. All I can say his, if he’s going to have six pack abs; I’m going to become size zero. No kidding, Lola, I’m so going to starve until my waist size is 25 (It’s 28 right now).

     I’ve been thinking about this ever since my mom told me that I’m getting a bit flabby now. At that time, it didn’t matter much, but now there’s Philip…

            I don’t care if I’m anorexic or something. I just want to get Philip to notice me. From now on, no fries! No milkshakes! No cheese! I’m going to become a size zero! (Little joke there)



RESOLUTION: Starve! (This is just some stupid resolution to keep my life from getting downright dull, Lola!)

OUTFIT WORN TODAY:Plain black top with blue jeans.

HOMEWORK:1) Mathematics: Memorize trigonometric ratios.

                              2) Language: Learn any ten Spanish verbs.

                              3) History: Test on World War 2.

                              4) Science: Learn manufacturing of Sulphuric Acid.

                              5) Geography: Learn elements of earth’s crust.                                        

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