Chapter 35

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Hello diary. So it’s just another boring day in my DREADFUL life, right Lola. Then what am I so HAPPY about??? Oh yeah, Jordan’s my friend now, as I said. He seems to be the only one who actually likes me for who I am, Lola.

       So I’m pretty glad that we’re sorta good friends now. So now I don’t have to creep into school staring at the ground and wondering what hazards the day will bring.

        Nope! I can strut in with my head held high in the air, like a peacock.

        I’m really pissed off with Julie, too. She wasn’t exactly best friend material yesterday if you noticed. And the way she glared at me when I befriended Jordan. No…not best friend-like at all.

        And why the HELL is she moving with Philip so much. I guess that’s the factor that’s insinuating me to think such horrific things about her. Grrr...

       Well, I have one thing that she doesn’t have: Jordan. I know, I sound PATHETIC, but I’m trying to make the best of the present situation, which, if you noticed, ain’t too bright, Lola!

       Oh my gods, Lola! Today, school was fine. Just FINE! Well…the beginning, not so much!

       During our first period-aaargh, Lava Rock!!!!- Julie moved over to sit next to Philip. She glanced at me apologetically, saying, “Oh Clara, I hope you don’t mind. I need his help in geography!”

      Fib number one: Philip SUCKS at geography. He’s even worse than MOI (yup…he’s BAD!) I mean, he FAILED!! Who does Julie think she’s fooling with that pathetic excuse for a lie?

       Anyhow, I nodded like a martyr- actually, truth be told, I gave her…yeah…the LOOK! She just shrugged nonchalantly to join Philip and his ‘dude’ friends, which include, as the Dan Man.

       Really Lola, I was literally burning inside just then! My anger appeased, however, when Jordan took the abandoned seat beside me. I gave him a smile-a pretty half-hearted one, I’ll admit-which he returned, only ten times brighter than mine.

      I remembered that the first time I had met him-barely a week ago, if I may say so. And now he seemed to like me better than my best friend Julie, who, at the moment, was chatting away with the afore mentioned group.

         Jordan looked over at where I was staring and remarked, “They seem to be having fun, don’t they?” and he looked pointedly at me. I pretty much didn’t know what t say or do, so I just gave a quick nod before turning my attention back to Lava Rock, who was droning away, making my head ache.

         “She’s your best friend?” he persisted, pointing at Julie. Again, I was at a loss for words, and I didn’t respond. He nodded, though, as if he understood something; I sure as hell didn’t!

        During our lunch break, Julie came over to sit next to me, though she didn’t look so stoked about it. “So…how was your day?” she asked me slowly. I know, it sounded pretty stale, like a failed attempt to cheer me up.

       She wouldn’t meet my eyes, and she stared stubbornly at the table; at her forlorn box of mushroom noodles. I was pretty hurt at this, I mean, Julie and I were friends Lola, so why all this formality?

       After a few more seconds of uncomfortable silence, someone else slid into the seat beside me- Jordan. Julie looked highly irritated. She drew in a sharp breath and was about to say something when I interrupted, “Hi Jordan!” I cried out, a bit too cheerfully.

       He acknowledged me with a nod, and was about to turn his attention to his lunchbox, when Julie cried out what she had been itching to say, “What are you doing here?” he looked up, a bit startled, and I was about to interrupt-again-but before I could do so, he said, glaring straight at her, “I could ask you the same thing…I mean, the way you deserted your friend,” he tilted his head toward me, “was so not cool” with this short, but sharp comment, he resumed eating his lunch as if nothing had happened.

    Julie looked frozen for a few seconds. She glanced between Jordan- still eating his lunch ‘like a boss’- and me, who looked like I wanted to be anywhere but at the table at the moment.

      She seemed to recover from her stupor, for she said slowly, “Clara, can you believe what he’s saying?” she asked me calmly, though her voice shook with anger.

       Now look, I didn’t want to lose either of them, and even though I believed that Jordan was partially right, I kept my mouth shut. Julie repeated the question.

        This time, there was no escape, “Well…” I began slowly, wishing that the bell would ring, but there were still a good ten minutes for that. My voice was a bit jerky as I continued, “Jordan does have a point…”

      At this statement, Julie's eyebrows went so alarmingly high that they almost disappeared into her hair. I hastily commended, “What I mean to say is…you could have been more caring when you knew that I had been so badly humiliated not very long ago…” my voice trailed away.

     “Oh!” Julie cried out, a bit too loudly; the three students in the adjacent table turned to stare at us, “So now it’s my fault? And I’m not allowed to spend time with anyone other than you? In case you didn’t realize, I have other friends, Clarissa Parker.” she said scathingly.

     At this point, Jordan intervened, “And what makes you think Clara doesn’t have any friends?” he challenged. Julie just fumed.

     I couldn’t take it anymore; my insides were boiling with anger; how DARE Julie talk of me this way! I immediately cried out, “In case you don’t remember, it is your fault that I have no friends: you were the one who dragged me along to that damn party anyway!” of course, I didn’t admit how elated I’d been at that moment.

        Julie gave me a ‘look’ and said loudly, “Well Clara, forgive me for insulting you, your highness! Now, I have other places to go, so you can sit over here and cry along with your dear Jordan!”

   This was altogether too much, “What makes you think I’ll cry! I’ll be glad to get rid of a pig like you! You might as well go join that piggish friend of yours” I meant Dan, in case you didn’t get it, “You’re meant for each other anyway!”

   She stormed off at my words; she looked back one last time, and the expression she gave me left me cold.

    I don’t know why I got so mad, because the moment she left, I felt suddenly estranged, and I just stared listlessly at the empty seat next to me. Jordan looked warily at me, probably too unsure if anything at all would console me at the moment.

    And then I walked home, all alone, still thinking about what had happened and trying to convince myself that it was all a dream.

     Once home, I flopped down on the couch. My mom came up next to me and sat down. I immediately got up and retired to my bedroom in silence. She didn’t follow. I like that about her; maybe I could use it to my advantage someday…





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