Chapter 3

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        Hey Lola, I'm too tired to talk about yesterday. Right now, I have to go to school, and face endless hours of definite humiliation.

        Plus, my mother is not talking to me, so I have to cook my own breakfast (this new venture went pretty badly, i assure you lola. It ended with a burnt waffle and half cooked eggs)

      The house is pretty quiet, and I don't like it one bit. I just wish dad was here, I could tell him everything I feel right now. I've got to get ready for school, so bye...

    Lola, just yesterday, I felt my life couldn't get any worse. I was wrong. Dead wrong.

 Today, the table I usually sit at with Margaret was occupied by Dan, Mark, and a few others of his football buddies (Why? Well...I guess it was just to aggravate me further)

   I looked around for a place to sit.

      There was the cheerleading table, and then there was the drama club table, and the nerds table, though I couldn't spot Nerdy Ned over there.

At one of the other tables, I saw him, chatting with Margaret (How could she prefer him to me?)

I decided to sit at the nerd's table. But when I moved toward it, many people from my class turned and looked at me.

Feeling rather embarrassed, I sat next to Dorky Davis, but he ACTUALLY gave me a Look (Boy, do I hate that look) and moved himself away from me. The entire group of nerds got up from their seats and sat on the floor.

I was left all alone at the table (This was no time to give me privacy). I tried to concentrate on my food (a herculean task, for it consisted of the two soggy peanut butter sandwiches I had prepared myself- they were looking more and more unappetizing by the minute, and after a few minutes of staring at it, I found myself resisting the urge to throw up) and not hear the snide mutterings and giggles around me.

I heard Rosalie say

               "She is soo unpopular, I can't even imagine it!" 

               And then her stupid sidekick cheerleaders chimed

              "Of course, Rosalie!" with fake smiles on their dolled up faces.

              Did I mention that I hated her?

              But even she looks sweet and smiley-faced and kind when compared to the Dan man.

              He is so rude! And shameless too. How could he lie that way?

  Today, our science teacher (and our class teacher), Miss.Lavaricina Rockfort (We call her lava rock for short) introduced two new students to our class.

She said,

       "Students, we have two new girls. Her name is Julie," she gestured at a small brown haired girl who was smiling nervously at the class. She looked around surveying everyone, and I saw a sudden hint of surprise in her expression. I had no time to ponder however, because lava rock cleared her throat, and continued

"And...where is Veronica?" she then looked out of the door, and was knocked back as a girl with braces and outrageously red hair, in a cowboy outfit, galloped into the class, with a "Yeehaw!"

Our teacher fell flat on her back, and the whole class clapped and cheered when she fell.

I heard Rosalie muttering furiously to Sylvia, her best friend.

"I mean, look at her outfit, it is so 8th century!" muttered Rosalie.

"That's because it was bought in the 8th century!" (I know- hilarious. Ha ha) remarked Sylvia, and they both lapsed into giggles.

The teacher picked herself up from the ground, and after glaring at Veronica, said

"Julie is from Albuquerque, and Veronica is from Alabama. And Julie, there's an empty seat near Clara, why don't you go sit there? And Veronica...hey there's another empty seat near Clara, (SURPRISE!!) why don't you go sit there?" And I just banged my head on the table resigned to my lousy fate.

Meanwhile, Lava Rock started teaching about the chemistry of lava rocks and their composition. Pretty ironic, isn't it?

I tried to start a conversation with Julie, by saying "Hey, is Albuquerque a nice place? And how was your old school there?"

She just gave me a Look (why is it I always get the Look?) and said something that sounded to me like, "Hey" I felt rather awkward and turned away.  

Veronica was busy irritating Mark, Dan's friend, on the opposite to her. I caught snatches of conversation

"Mamma mia! This place is just rockin', ain't it! And especially the people here. They are soo...heehaw!"

Mark turned his face away in disgust and contempt. And so, even though there were people next to me, I was still alone!

Dan, in the meantime, was busy taking down notes, but he spared Mark a pitying glance.

Lava Rock had finished writing the notes, and was about to start asking questions, when Mark got up, slammed his book onto the floor, screamed

"SHUT UP, woman!" and ran out screaming (Personally, I don't think it was because of Veronica, but mainly because he wanted to avoid the test)

Veronica turned to me with a puzzled expression (Oh no!!!) and started blabbing about "oldie Alabama"

Just then the bell rang, and the whole class cheered (it had been a particularly boring one. Imagine- Lava Rock teaching about lava rocks. Pathetic.) Some of the students even ran out screaming.

The teacher interrupted our happiness, saying "I have a double period today, so keep quiet, and come back in"

She also spotted Mark dancing with the crowd. "And Mark, I would like to meet you at...detention!" she said, and at that made everyone reenter the class immediately.

Nothing more interesting happened (not that this was very interesting!), except for Veronica singing,

"I come from Alabama with a banjo on my knee" and I spitefully asked,

"Where's your banjo?" thinking she would shut up.

Boy was I wrong! She took a banjo from her bag and stepped in front of the class playing and singing the song. The teacher glared at her, and said,

"Meet you too, in detention, Miss Veronica!"

Veronica looked at the teacher, and actually said

"Are you in detention too, ma'am?" Lava Rock just looked (yes Lola-the look!) at her, and told her to go back and sit in her seat.

And can you believe it? Julie actually went up to Dan after school, and asked him a doubt about factorizing polynomials! Why didn't she ask me? (Maybe because I totally flunked the math test and got a C+)

And Dan actually helped her! The Dan man actually helped her! Unbelievable! Totally! Well, I just headed for home, feeling quite alone, especially when I saw Margaret walking home with Nerdy Ned (And by the way, we don't call him a nerd anymore, since he threw my sandwich at me)

I also saw the cheerleading club, getting ready to go for a manicure together. However stuck-up, snotty, and bratty natured they might be, they still had their best friends.

And then the nerds (May be I should become a nerd too! Eeew- though anything is better than my present situation!)

Lola, I've never felt this lonely. Never.

And did I tell you about mom? She set out dinner on the table (at least it was better than those awful peanut butter sandwiches) and left for her yoga session. Lola, it's been a bad day for me, and I'm just going to snuggle up in the bed covers, and cry myself to sleep.

G'night, best friend (I mean it)





AUTHOR'S NOTE: Oh my Gods! I don't believe i have 32 reads. Thank you sooo much everyone!!! Now I know how other authors must feel when their story gets read!

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