Chapter 26

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                  I have never felt this miserable in my entire life. I went out for a walk in the morning, and I happened to pass Julie. She was walking to an ice cream shop, and appeared to be in a hurry.

     She bumped into me, looked up apologetically, saw my face, and her expression hardened. She pushed past me with an air of coldness.

            I ran towards her and said,

               ‘Julie, why are you doing this to me? What the heck did I do to you?’ She shook her hair out of her face and simply said ‘Shut up’.

                I actually started crying, right there, and in the middle of the road, but Julie didn’t appear to care. Just then, Dan and Philip came out of the ice cream shop.

              Dan saw Julie, took a look at my tear stained face, and gave me a sinister smile. He actually had the nerve to say,

             ‘Watch how you’re treating my friend’, took hold of Julie’s hand and swept off. Philip was left standing there rather bemused.

             He looked at me, said ‘It’s okay. Everything will be just fine! ’, very quick, out of the corner of his mouth, and he left hurriedly, looking rather flustered. I didn’t care in the least that it came from Philip. All I cared was that Dan had said something to Julie, which ensured the fact that I don’t have a best friend anymore. At this rate, I’m better off with Rosalie as my best friend.

          And here’s a surprise. I was walking back home, when I saw Mark and Veronica talking. Veronica started crying for a second, Mark said something, and she looked up and smiled. WHAT? And I actually thought Mark liked Rosalie! Wait…there’s something weird going on here, but I don’t know what!

        Well, I’m too busy with my own issues. I can’t tell anyone, except mom, and I’m sure she’ll say I have problems, not Dan or Julie. I can’t stand that, I really can’t.

   And school wasn’t much better either Lola. Julie was still not on speaking terms with me. During lunch break, I sat alone at the table I used to share with Julie and looked at my forlorn salami sandwich without really wanting to eat it.

        Well, I have to finish my mathematics homework and work out. I don’t know what I’m feeling right now.

       I feel partly angry, partly confused, partly stupid…well… I really don’t know what I’m doing with my life, Lola.

        All I do is come home, do my homework, study a bit, listen to a few songs, and go to sleep.

       I don’t have any friends at all, and neither am I a prefect, nor am I popular.

       It’s hard living the life I lead, Lola, real hard. When I wasn’t studying well, I was unpopular.

    Now when I’m studying well, I’m a dork and still unpopular.

      I also don’t have a best friend. Dan got what he wanted, again.

    He took my best friend away from me. I can never forgive him for that. He’s a fraud, and people will soon realize what he really is.

      My mom’s made salami sandwiches for dinner tonight, and I have to digest it along with all my worries. Wish me luck, Lola!

NOTE TO SELF:Stop feeling sorry for self.

RESOLUTION: Try to make new friends (that’ll be a laugh! As if anyone would come near me when I say, “Hey! I’m Clarissa Parker, Dan’s arch enemy!”) 

OUTFIT WORN TODAY: Plain dark blue top with black jeans, and favorite silver belt.




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