(late nights & early mornings)

Start from the beginning

"What's up, Dal?" Steve took the bravery and spoke for all of us, hesitating at first.

"We were right there, for fuck sakes! We were in the same room as that fucker and didn't even know. We could've seen who he was" he shook his head, regretting his actions from earlier.

"Now hold on. We don't even know if that's why she ran outta there. Let's just keep our options open. And if that is the case, we'll deal with it later. Let's just..relax for now" Darry said, then looked towards the clock. "Y'all should get some rest. You're welcome to stay here" was all he said before getting up and heading off to his room.

Surprisingly, all the guys agreed to stay the night, seeing how it was pretty late to go home. We were all exhausted. Hell, even Dal decided to stay and take the couch with Steve. I knew Steve would be waking up on the floor in the morning though.

Pony and I then headed to our room, looking for some shut eye that we all needed.
Y/n's POV
I squinted my eyes open slightly, feeling the sunlight beam through my window. I could already tell where I was, just by the soft familiar mattress I was lying on. I was in my bed, in my room. All the events from yesterday started to seep through my mind.

The first image I got was at the dingo, seeing his face. I immediately shut my eyes tight, digging the side of my face back into the pillow.

I moved onto the next event, running out of the dingo as fast as I could. I groaned at the embarrassment I'd have to face against Twobit and Dal who saw it take place.

I then remember opening my eyes and seeing Sodapop running towards me as he yelled my name. I still remember the hard feeling of bricks up against my back before being engulfed by all my brothers.

I stood slowly, as my feet reached to the cold wooden floor. Standing, I made my way out of my room and into the hallway. I got closer to the smell of eggs and toast as I continued walking. I knew it must have been Darry cooking, Soda probably being in the shower, and Pony still sleeping or watching some cartoons no doubt.

As I sauntered into the dining room, I could see Darry just around the corner and in the kitchen. I was right. I didn't bother to greet him before going to take a seat on the couch.
Only, when I turned my head, I saw the whole gang here. All of them still sleeping peacefully in our living room. I suddenly felt guilty for being so selfish and falling asleep in an alleyway yesterday. What the hell was I thinking? They were probably out looking for me all night. Just another thing to feel bad about added to my list.

I took a seat at the table, one of the only places left to sit.

"Oh..Morning, Y/n" Darry acknowledged my presence and greeted me a soft grin. "Morning" I sighed, resting back against the chair. I could see Darry furrow his brows a little before going back into the kitchen.

It wasn't long before the boys had come to their senses and smelt breakfast, making them awake from their beauty sleep.

"Hey, Y/n" Twobit was the first to greet as he clambered into the kitchen for a beer. I replied with a small 'hey' back, but I don't think he heard me.

"Get er' foot outta my face, Dal" I heard Steve scowl as he batted Dal's leg away from him. I guess they shared the couch last night. They were facing opposite ends, so their feet were at each other's heads.

"Oh shut up, Randle. I'm trynna fuckn' sleep" Dal countered back, peeved with his friend.

"What are the two knuckle heads fighting bout?" I heard Soda playfully whisper behind me, followed by chuckle. I only shrugged to my older brother, forcing a slight grin. Soda ruffed my hair gently before taking a seat at the table as well. I could see he just got outta the shower thanks to his wet hair.


Soda and I both looked over to the teens in the living room. Steve was now on the floor, groaning, as he clambered his way up. I heard Dal chuckle dryly and turn back over on the tattered couch. Now I knew what had happened, and didn't really care, as I turned back around. For Soda, he couldn't stop laughing.

It wasn't long before all my brothers were up now, along with the gang. We all eventually were at the table and eating eggs and toast. I couldn't ignore the looks I'd get from the boys either. They weren't cold or mean looks, they were more 'are you okay?' And 'should we talk to her?' Kinda looks. Either way, it was hard to enjoy breakfast. Not that I ate that much anyways.

"So why'd you run off yesterday?" Twobit suddenly spoke, causing Dally to elbow him in the ribs. My shoulders tensed, as my voice felt gone.

"Did you..see someone?" Soda asked, adding onto Twobit's comment. Without thinking or hesitation, I nodded my head sheepishly.

"Who?" Dal, however, didn't hesitate when he spoke. What was I suppose to say? How was I suppose to say who I saw? I stayed silent, my mouth opening and closing like a fish as I tried to find my words.

"Was it...him?" Soda asked gingerly. Him...I nodded my head once again. Everyone stayed silent, no longer eating.

"Damn it. I told you we could've done something then and there" Dal seethed through gritted teeth to nobody in particular. I swallowed, trying to get rid of the painful lump in my throat.

Dal then stood, toring into the living room and out the front door. I almost jumped as his actions. Soda noticed and rested his hand on my arm softly.

The rest of breakfast was quiet and tense, if I'm being honest.
Soda's POV
After Dal storming out, and everybody filling their bellies, a lot of us had to head off the work  including Steve, Darry, and I. However, not before the boys and I all gathered into the living room, while Y/n was showering.

"What are we gonna do?" Twobit was the first to speak from the couch. That's exactly what we were all trying to figure out. What could we do? I mean, we could go around trying to find the description of the guy, but it would be hard to know if we were 100% right. I doubt Y/n would wanna call a rumble, meaning Tim Shepard at least would have to know what's going on. Non of us wanted that.

"I don't know" Darry sighed, for once in his life.

Right on time, Dallas had walked through the doors and came back. I didn't doubt he went for a walk and punched something, considering his knuckles were turning a shade of red. He took a seat at the table, in ear-hearing distance, before opening a beer.

"We needa call a rumble, man" Dal joined our conversation, like he already knew what we were talking about. My head snapped towards the hood.

"No. Y/n doesn't want anyone knowing, and how the hell do you suppose we fight the Shepard's? The ones who's always been on our side at rumbles" I explained. Dal didn't have a comeback besides a cold glare. I knew I won the argument.

"He's right. We can't fight all the Shepard's. That's Tim too, don't forget. If we wanna fight this guy, we're gonna have to do it one-on-one. No big rumble" Darry explained sternly to the boys and I.

"Yer' right...only thing is, how we gonna find him if we can't ask around?" Steve questioned.

"We don't need to. Y'all remember what Y/n said he looked like, don't ya?" Darry looked around at us. All of us nodded to his comment. Just then, the water had stoped running in the bathroom, meaning Y/n was done in the shower. We all went back to our normal thing, getting ready for work, watching tv, whatever.

The Curtis sister imagines & stories pt.2Where stories live. Discover now