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It's been a few days since Mina got hit.. and it has took a toll on everyone.. especially Jimin..

He went back to being his depressed self as he felt like dying everyday he thought about Mina..

He would always go to the hospital just to look after her and wait for her to wake up.. but to no avail..

When visiting hours were finished, he would walk home with his head hung low and as he goes back to the dorm, he would go directly to his bed, completely ignoring everyone and goes to bed.

He was getting unhealthy all over again.. and of course, the others didnt like this..

They tried their best to make him laugh.. make him talk to them.. and even make him eat since he wasn't eating much..

But here comes the other sad part.. Jin..

Ever since he was assaulted by Jimin.. he felt like everything was really his fault..

He felt like he could've done more.. he could've held her back.. but instead, he just.. screamed..

He felt sad and guilty.. but it wasnt intense as to what Jimin was feeling..

And now.. it was all awkward between the guys.

Whenever Jin and Jimin would pass each other at the hallway of their dorm. Either one of them would turn around and go back to where they came from..

They really started avoiding each other.. and the guys didnt like this at all.

"Joon, you need to do something about this, the thick atmosphere drowns me every single day." Yoongi complains he looks at Namjoon who was sitting on his bed.

"What the hell do you want me to do? I've tried talking to either of them, but none of them wants to even talk about it." He talks back and Yoongi groans. "Well we cant let them stay like this forever."

Namjoon sighs as he looks back at Yoongi. "Do you have a plan?"

"Oh hell yeah I do."


And after the whole memory that Mina relived, her and Sharon were then back to walking to who knows where..

But as they were walking.. Sharon was much more interactive.

"So.. how was reliving that memory..?" She asks and Mina just sighs.

"It feels.. weird.. yet warm.. weird that it was so long ago.. and warm because I get to feel everything they've done for me.. now that I've finally thought of it.." Mina explains and Sharon stayed quiet.

They continued walking and Sharon asked her little questions until they again come across another hill.

They walked up on the hill and as they reached the top, Sharon once again leaned forward and let her and Mina's forehead touch. And once again, a bright light shone around them.. this time brighter. They could now see the more trees under them as the moon and the stars shone up at the sky.

But before Mina could take in the view, Sharon once again takes her hand, making her miss the beautiful scenery.

They went down the hill and walked towards a stone-paved path. They followed along the path.. until they reached a rather familiar house..

"W-why do I feel like.. I've been here before..?" Mina asks but Sharon completely ignores her, she just opens the door and leads her inside another familiar room with all the familiar furniture.. and familiar bed.

"Smile" a JiMina ffWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt