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As I got home from the landromat.. I folded the sweaters neatly.. I couldn't really iron them back at there.. so I just need to be satisfied that I only washed them..

But afterwards.. I didn't really know what else to do for the day..

I could just perhaps.. study..? But I have somethings in my head that I wanted to clear out...

Jimin and I are in good terms now.. so that's a start.. but I wanted to go for more... I wanted to do things I couldn't do with him... but of course.. we still.. I still.. need to take things slow.. for the both of us..

It's not even that much of a secret on both sides.. the girls knew because of me.. and the guys knew because of Jimin..

But even so.. I wanted to do something.. to at least start our.. unity.. and I think I know how to...

I took my phone and immediately started typing on it.

Hey.. meet me at
'Air of Japan' tomorrow
at 1 p.m... if you're not
busy that is... I hope you
can come...

I pressed sent and took a deep breath..

I put back my phone and folded the blue sweater and neatly placed it into the bag.

I hope he comes...



As the day go on.. I couldn't really do much.. except study...

The next major exams were at July.. which is next month.. so I just red the whole day.. that was until I heard a message notification on my phone.

I grabbed it and looked at who texted me.. and to my surprise.. it was Mina..

I quickly opened my phone and red her text.. she wanted to meet up tomorrow..?

Suddenly.. I felt a rush of emotions kick in.. not very negative ones.. but rather excitement.. anxiety.. and impatience...

She wanted to meet up tomorrow.. and it isn't because we want to attempt making up anymore... and I couldn't bare wait myself... I wonder what she has in store...


Damn.. as night came... I couldn't even sleep... I was too excited and impatient tomorrow.

Though I know it would be a bit important.. I couldn't help but think... that she wanted to go on a date...

Of course I had to slap myself multiple times because of that thought... I know she wants to take things slow.. so I should keep her word for it..

So I tried... I closed my eyes and tried to sleep.. but to no avail.. I removed myself out of my blanket.. but still couldn't even though the cool air hit my skin.. and that's when I staryed to groan in frustration.. I scratched my head and tried to get on a comfortable position to try and sleep.. but to still no avail...

I just kept groaning and getting more frustrated.. that I didn't even realized that Hobi hyung groaned as well and yawned loudly with his eyes still closed.

"J-Jimin..." he starts and I gulped.. I didn't mean to wake him up.. and almost everyone in this dorm get frustrated when awoken from their sleep in the middle of the night.. especially Yoongi hyung.. so I hope Hoseok isn't mad..

He then scratches his eyes for a little and yawned again.. but still had his eyes closed..

"Jimin.. are you.. masturbating..?" He says and it literally made me jump off my bed.. very flustered and startled at what he had asked..

"Smile" a JiMina ffWhere stories live. Discover now