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After Mina had freshen up, she git changed and went to lay down on her bed.. but as she did, a commotion was heard from downstairs..

She wanted to ignore it.. it might be something that doesn't concern her.. and she was a bit tired anyways.. but the way they were reacting was just.. convincing.. everyone was practically squealling... so with a sigh, she stood up and went downstairs to see what was happening.

And as she did, she saw Tzuyu looking flustered as everyone was pretty much on her.

"Guys.. chill out.. it's.. nothing.." Tzuyu says but everyone was not stopping..

"Guys? What's happening?" Mina asks and Momo looks at her with an excited expression.

"Oh my gosh Mina, Tzuyu came home with Taehyung from next door!" She explains and Mina was shocked..

"Who knew Taehyung would be into you~"

"Yeah, we thought you liked Jungkook?"

Everyone started teasing her and she just sat down the couch with a sigh. "Fine.. I'll just explain what happened..."

Suddenly, everyone starting piling up around her and Mina was excited. "Wow.. this is the first time I get to listen to a love story from you guys!"

And then, everyone started laughing at the irony. But they immediately toned down and listened to Tzuyu..



Ugh... I can't believe Jungkook would just leave for something 'important'..

He left like fifteen percent of valuable work to me when we were suppose to do our project half by half. That guy is just... complicated..

And now here I am, walking out my building.. feeling exhausted as ever as I try to stay awake as I walked. Usually, I would walk with JK.. but then no because he usual has somewhere to go.

I don't even know why I liked him before.. he seemed so.. nice.. and manly.. and sometimes.. I don't see it.. but then.. I just feel something else.. for someone else.. as if I've been wanting attention from a whole different person... someone who would always have my back and others as well... someone like..

"Hey Tzuyu!"

Suddenly, Taehyung oppa walks to me as I walked carefully down the stairs of the facade.

"H-hi..? What's up?" I just replied as he smiles. "Have you seen Jungkook? We were suppose to go somewhere today.."

I just sighed as I look at him. "Well.. he already left.. that's why I'm walking home by myself."

"Well.. I have no idea where exactly Jungkook is.. so why don't I walk you home?" He asks and I just felt weird.. I felt all sorts of emotions rush in and I didn't know exactlg what to say.. not to mention how.. attractive he looks standing in front of me right now..

"Uhm.. I-I.."

"Are you okay? Are you feeling well?" He asks as I just stuttered like an idiot in front of him.. but I just took my deep breaths and composed myself as I looked at him..

"Uhm.. I'm sorry for that.. but sure.. I'm about to go home anyways..

He then smiles as we started walking back to our dorms.

"Smile" a JiMina ffWhere stories live. Discover now