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After a while of walking, I saw the bench where I was suppose to meet Bambam.. but to my surprise, I found him asleep once again as he sat down.

I walked to him and poked his head.. he just groans and yawns as he sat up properly.

"Why are you always asleep when I see you?" I askas he just shrugs and scratches his eyes. "Tired.. what do you even want me for today? I already spent time with you yesterday.. why aren't you even with Jimin?"

I just sighed as I sat next to him on the bench.

"I already talked to Jimin about this.. and he's perfectly fine with it.. I'm really trying to change things between us.. so come on." I said standing up and pulling him up the bench.

"Where are we going?" He asks as I give him a smile. "The mall! The last time I went there was with friends.. and I want to take you there because.. why not?"

He just sighs. "I can't really do anything about it again, can I?" He asks as I just shook my head. "Nope." And after that, I took a hold of his wrist and we started walking to the mall.


As I walked to the Music and Arts building.. I couldn't stop thinking...

I wonder what happened to Namjoon hyung and Jihyo.. I hope no drama happened.. they deserve to be happy.. together.. and I can't bring myself to see my hyung and cousin be sad because of each other..

I just hope they do well..

I continued my walk to building as I was heavily in thought.. that I didn't notice someone was behind me..

"Jimin!" Suddenly, I heard an all familliar call.. "S-Seulgi.. what's up..?" I ask as she smiles.

"Well.. my roommate was too busy to hangout because of a guy.. and I was alone.. do you wanna hangout?" She asks as I felt uncomfortable with all this.

Just then, her facial expression dropped.. and she lowers her head.

"You still don't like me.. do you?" She suddenly asks as I got startled by what she said. "N-no.. it's just that.. um.."

She then sighs. "Look.. I'm really, really sorry about what I did.. I know lying could be a bad thing that could lead to more bad things.. but I promise.. I really want to make friends this time.." she explains.. and I was just quiet.. I just listened.

She then turns around and starts to walk away.. and I didn't know why..but I found myself going after her.. "H-hey wait!" She then turns around and stops me.

"No, it's fine.. you seemed busy anyways.. maybe next time I gues.. see you tomorrow Jimin.." she said as she then continues to walk away and I just watched her leave..

Is she really trying to change..? She really looked sincere.. I thought I had already trusted her.. but I guess I don't fully yet..

And after all.. that... I decided to started walking again.. with all tjese thoughts on my head..


After a few more minutes, I arrived atthe Music and Arts building and went on directly to Yoongi and Taehyung's usual room.

And as I saw the door; as if on cue, Taehyung goes out of the closed door with his bag amd closed the door again as he went out.

"Taehyung!" I said and he looked at my direction, he then walked to me and put a finger on his lips as if telling me to be quiet.

"Smile" a JiMina ffWhere stories live. Discover now