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As Jimin watched Mina ran away, he felt awful.. all his hardwork of trying to forget Mina went running down the drain as his feelings were going back.

"Jimin.. are you okay..?" Suddenly, Jimin hears Seulgi's voice and he pulls at his hair in frustration. He just kissed someone who tried to break him and Mina.. and what's worse is that Mina saw it herself.

"What the hell happened?!" Jimin shouts, not caring about the people passing by that was giving him and Seulgi looks.

"Hey.. we wouldn't have known she was there.." Seulgi tries to reason, but Jimin just groans in frustration.

In truth, Jimin was actually starting to move on. He and Seulgi had been dating for the past week and Seulgi was actually helping Jimin in moving on. That was until they were caught this time.

Something about getting caught by Mina triggered something within him.. and all the built-up emotions that he's been trying to keep away bursted out.

And here he was.. sobbing as he sat next to Seulgi.

"This is just fucked up.." Jimin mumbles and Seulgi runs his back. "Don't worry.. maybe she'll stop trying now.. and it'll be easier for you to move on now. Now let's go.. it looks like it's about to rain.." Seulgi says as she helps Jimin on his feet.

Jimin didn't really know how to feel about Seulgi right now.. but he really didn't want to be more hurt than he is right now, so he just went along with her.

But at this moment.. Jimin was feeling hurt all over again..


As night was falling and the rain was pouring, Mina along with a guy he still didn't know were running to any shelter nearby.

"C'mon.. I know a place we could stay for a while." The guy said as he walked Mina to someplace she hasn't been to before at Air of Japan. And after a minute of walking, they arrived at a white gazebo that was lit by a single bright light bulb.

They walked in the gazebo and took caught their breaths. The guy closed his umbrella and sat down on a bench that was inside and sat down. He then ushered Mina to sit next to him in which Mina hesitantly but slowly did.

"So.. why were you at the rain..?" He asks Mina but she was just shivering as she held onto the leather jacket that the guy lend her. Though even if Mina wasn't cold, she still wouldn't tell him why.

"Oh.. sorry for asking.." the guy said as he scratches the back of his head. They just sat their for a while and just looked at the rain as it fell.

Yes it was night by then, but the whole school had lampposts everywhere so it wasn't completely dark.

But as the guy looked at the rain, Mina was deeply on thought.

'Who is this guy.. and why did he save me..?' Mina thinks to herself as she gives him a good glance.

He was tall, had a well structured face and body, broad shoulders and was overall handsome. But Mina was still confused as to why he helped her... but suddenly, he saw Mina staring at him and she quickly looked away with a slight blush on her face.

"So.. do you have a dorm here? I can walk you there." He asked and Mina just nods. They then stood up and the guy opened his umbrella again. But before they left, he asked Mina ine more question.

"Can you tell me your name?" He asks and Mina nods slowly. "Mina.. Myoui Mina..."

The guy smiles at her and holds out his hand for her to shake.

"Smile" a JiMina ffWhere stories live. Discover now