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In the past the island country of Rhivera was plagued by famine. The government formed the Population Control Council to keep such a catastrophe from repeating itself. Those deemed weakest by Population Control are eliminated to keep the population at their desired level.

Like all children, Juaquin, Melissa, and Arturo were taught that Population Control is in the right. But when Population Control changes each of their lives irreversibly, their beliefs are shaken. They become part of a conflict which will profoundly change Rhivera forever.

Cover done by the very talented CindersandAshes24

Peer editing by Mikrokosmostae

(7-10-21) Chapter 1-5 Self edited and peer edited

The Survival Suit Arc chapter 6-12
(7/10/21) Self edited and peer edited

Equality Zone Arc
Chapters 13-18
(7/10/21) Self edited & Peer edited

The Norino Arc
Chapter 19-26
(7/10/21) Self edited and peer edited

The War Arc
Chapter 27- 33
(7/10/21) Self edited

The Fate of Rhivera Arc
Chapter 34-40
(7/10/21) Self edited

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