Next Spidy!

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I was currently taped on the wall in the break room of our dorms.

How did I end up here?

That is a good question...

So it all started with playing a game of truth or dare and it ended with Sero getting a dare from Bakugo to tape me to the wall. Still doesn't explain why I was still hanging on the wall right? Well there was a lot of alcohol and they simply forgot me there.

It was around 3 a.m. when Aizawa has his rounds around the dorms. Let's say it was not a pleasant surprise.

Aizawa: Problem child... What are you doing?

Me: Sticking to the wall.

Aizawa: I can see that.

Me: Sensei, could help me get down?

Aizawa: *Sigh*

Me: On second thought, just go to sleep. I will be waiting here in the morning too.

Aizawa: No.

He went over to me and ripped down the tape. I would have loved nothing more than to scream. Being taped to the wall with Sero's tape was no fun at all. The worst part was that I was in some light cloths and that most of the tape was on my skin directly for a better hold.

It was all Bakugo's idea. What a fucking great idea Dandelion!

Anyways the moment that Aizawa got me down from the wall, I fell to my knees and began to shake. My skin was completely red and some parts were bleeding lightly.

Aizawa: I am getting RG!

Me: It's okay. I know where her office is. I will be walking there on my own. There is an emergency button after all too.

Aizawa: Kid, you can't even stand.

Me: I will manage. I always do.

Aizawa: What is that supposed to mean?

I slowly stood up and began walking past him on shaky knees. Once I was past him, I could feel his gaze on me.

Aizawa: RG, I am sorry for waking you up. Could you please go to the infirmary? I am on my way to you with Midoriya.

That was all he said and I could only imagine how angry RG will be. It was in the middle of the night after all and being awoken by a phone call is not a nice thing either.

It took a while until I got to the infirmary with Aizawa following me from behind.

Me: Darling I am sorry, that I wanted to cheat with anyone other!

Once again I flopped on the infirmary bed and started hugging her.

I could only imagine Aizawa's gaze upon me. However, I could clearly hear RG laughing beside me.

RG: Dearie, let me have a look at your skin.

I sat up on the bed and let her look over it and heal the small part that were ripped off too.

RG: How did you even get these wounds on the whole body?

Me: I was taped to the wall.

RG: Just why?

Me: Truth or Dare?!

Aizawa: *Sigh* Idiot.

Me: It was not dared to be taped if you think I was.

RG: If that is not the case then why you?

Aizawa: Doesn't explain why I found you hanging there.

Me: Sero was dared by Bakugo to tape me to the wall. He did as you saw and there was a lot of different drinks. To make it short, they forgot I was there.

Aizawa: ...


Me: Anyways thanks for the heal.

RG: Aizawa, your class is not normal. First I get him here because of some acid wounds from Mina, then he was yeeted out of the window by Aoyama and his quirk, next he comes in with a goddamn squirrel biting him. Now this?!

Aizawa: When did all that happen?

Me: Oh in our breaks or free time.

Aizawa: Kid... Midoriya... You should have told me this sooner!

RG: He will be staying here over the night. He also needs some rest too. He clearly hasn't slept until now. So you can leave now.

Aizawa: I will get you in the morning.

Me: You don't have to bother!

However he didn't reply but instead just left.

Me: *sigh* That was embarrassing.

RG: I thought you running with a squirrel stuck to your ass was.

Me: Try hanging to a wall and get ripped down by no other than your own teacher.

RG: I can only hope this will be the last time.

Me: I don't think so.

RG: Why not?

Me: Sero thinks he is like Aizawa, the next spider-man.

RG: Old school movies again?

Me: Well he said he was like the web slinger and could shoot his tape at anyone. Not only that but he is currently training and trying to get his shooting style similar to Aizawa when he throws his capture gear.

RG: It took the man 6 years to learn how to use his scarf.

Me: Well according to him, Aizawa is a cross breed of a caterpillar and a spider. He also says that he must be a direct descendent of Spider Man in order to be able to use his scarf like that man. Sero also might got the wrong idea and ins not trying to find a way to swing from building to building and capture villains and other with his tape.

RG: And others?

Me: He is basically running around the dorm using his tape everywhere. And I mean everywhere. Do you know how hard it is to get tape down of a 4-meter ceiling?

RG: Sounds like a problem.

Me: Yeah one I have to take care of since I am in charge of the cleanness of the dorms.

RG: Shish. It's getting late. Let's talk tomorrow again.

Me: Good Night and sorry for the wake.

RG: It's okay. I will only be whacking Bakugo some sense into his brain in the near future. Now sleep tight. Good Night.

With that she left the room.

Me: We are finally alone darling. Good Night sweetheart!

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