Who said Pikachu can't go around catching pokemon?

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The next day I woke up in the infirmary and I could see RG already in it.

Me: Moring RG. Morning my dear darling, the infirmary bed.

RG: Morning Midoriya.

Me: Thank you for healing me yesterday. It really would have hurt going to sleep with all the wounds.

RG: That is my job kid.

Me: Oh that remind me. You know Denki Kaminary right?

RG: The one that can fry his brain if he overuses his quirk?

Me: Yep that one.

RG: This kid is stupid.

Me: True that but he got a nickname.

RG: Thunderbolt or something like that?

Me: Pikachu!

RG: Pikachu?

Me: Yep.

RG: Why is that?

Me: Because he has this black bolt in his hair. Anyways as of recently someone showed him Pokémon go on the phone.

RG: I thought that kids don't play that thing these days.

Me: Well it is interesting sometimes.

RG: Let me guess he is running around charging his phone with a cable stuck to his mouth.

Me: Yes, that and he got a plush poke ball and is throwing that at random people on the street too.

RG: That idiot!

Me: If you think that was all, then listen to this! I was once out with Denki, Mina and Eijiro and all of the sudden Mina goes screaming "I chose you PIKACHU! Volttackle!" She was playing Pokémon emerald on a Gameboy advanced emulator on her phone but Denki thought she meant him and tackled the next civilian close to us using his quirk too. He ended up overusing it and putting the man in hospital while ending up braindead.

RG: *Sigh* Aizawa's class is really something else.

Me: Well I am living in that class.

RG: So he thinks his Pikachu?

Me: Not only that but also a trainer. Like he goes around using his quirk screaming a typical Pikachu attack and then throwing a plush ball at them.

RG: The kid got problems.

Me: Who doesn't.

RG: True.

We both heard a knock and Aizawa came in.

Aizawa: Problem Child, how are you feeling?

Me: Better.

Aizawa: I already spoke to Hound Dog and he will be holding my lessons today. Go get your things and take a shower. You will be excused from the morning class.

Me: Thanks.

Aizawa: Next time something happen, you come straight to me.

Me: Kay.

With that I left the room and went to my dorm room in order to get prepared for the rest of the day. Something told me that I would see RG and my dear wife again.

A/N: I have some Pokémon TCG codes if anyone is interested please write a comment. 

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