Music is my life!

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So I went to the Support Course because Mei told me to come over and test something out but as soon as I stepped into the room something exploded and I got thrown towards the wall behind me. After that I only remember someone carrying me to my waifu and that's it.

RG: Looks like you are back here again.

Me: What happened?

RG: Mei made something and it exploded but they were behind some safety glasses and you just opened the door at the wrong timing.

Me: I see.

RG: How are you feeling?

Me: I have a splitting headache but other than that I am fine.

RG: Good. Here take this for your headache.

Me: Thanks! Last time I had this much of a headache was after one of Jirou's concerts.

RG: Wasn't she thrown out of the band?

Me: Yes, but wasn't that still doesn't stop her from blasting music at 1 a.m. and sing to it.

RG: Do you know why she was thrown out?

Me: Well for starters the school band was only practicing and they all enjoy it but it was only for fun and Jirous life is circling around music. It was to leisure for her so she tried to make the others play more serious and they didn't like it so she was thrown out.

RG: Oh I see.

Me: Still we have a little band going on in the dorms. Jiro managed to get Tokoyami to play the drums. who would have thought that Dark Shadow loves music and plays the keyboard.

RG: Really?

Me: Yes. Even Bakugo joins them sometimes and just screams SHINE! into the mic.

RG: Sounds like he has problems.

Me: Angry management issues and a couple of other once too,

RG: Hound Dog will love him!

Me: Kacchan will kill him.

RG: Sounds perfect! When do we get them together?

Me: Not with me! He will rip my head of the moment I manage to get him to Hound Dog.

RG: Okay, so I will need Nezu to do that.

Me: Yes, if not Aizawa.

RG: Understood.

Me: Anyways did you know that Jiro can play the violin?

RG: I thought she only plays heavy metal and rock.

Me: Me too but you should listen to her classic music's. It soo good and relaxing.

RG: I hope I will be able to hear it once.

Me: Most likely not. She doesn't even want to say that she can play the violin or that she actually enjoys it. The only time I heard her play the violin was the one time she thought she was alone in the dorms.

RG: Is she also singing in the showers?

Me: You bet she is. You can hear her because of thin walls up down the hallway.

RG: Music is really her life.

Me: It is.

RG: I know of someone else whose life is circled around music.

Me: Mic. I mean he has his own radio show.

RG: Did you know that the man can't sing at all.

Me: No.

RG: It sounds soo horrible. He can't get a tone right. Not a single one but the man knows to play the guitar like a god.

Me: Really?! I didn't know that.

RG: Don't judge a book by its cover right?!

Me: Yep. 

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