Me, Myself and I?!

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I was lucky that after the incident with Mina that I didn't had to go and visit RG again. However it was the next day and we were only 3 hours in the classroom until I got blasted from behind.


Of couse it was bling bling boy blasting using his quirk to shine and glitter a little bit more. This time it was his fault not mine. I was just walking buy the hallway in order to get outside for a little bit and get a break from the class. However, the moment I stepped out of the classroom, I was hit with something very hot on my back and pushed against the next wall with windows. Of course the window broke and I fell down 3 stories. I was lucky to survive that.

Once I realized what happened, I quickly stood up and ignored all the pain. I needed to drag myself to RG after all.

Aoyama: Midoriya, is everything alright?

Do I look alright to you?


I am literally covered in blood and I can smell the burned skin of my back!

Now how in the world do I look okay to you?

Bakugo is even better then you!

He never yeeted me out a goddamn window!

ME: Ahm.... Yes.

However, despite feeling like passing out any second, I still didn't want to be a burden on anyone and so I replied with a yes.

Aoyama: I am sorry, mon ami.

That was all he said before vanishing from the window. It looked like he wasn't even going to come down and look at what he did. Left with no other choice I began limping and dragging myself towards RG's office.


RG: Come in!

Once I stepped in, I went again to my dear wife the bed and gave her a big hug and jumped in her arms, laying on top of her.

RG: Oh my! What happened?

Me: I got blasted by Aoyama's quirk just as I was leaving the classroom to catch some fresh air.

RG: He was using his quirk in the class room?

Me: Yes.

RG: Did he had any permission for that?

Me: No.

RG: Was Aizawa there?

Me: Does it look like it?

RG: No but you never know with that sleep deprived hero and his love for torturing his class.

Me: No wonder he was expelled from his last school.

RG: What do you mean?

Me: Aoyama was born in France and he lived there until he moved here just to go to UA. I found that very suspicious, since France has also a very good hero school.

RG: He might have not made it there.

Me: He did make it. He was even bragging about it in the class once.

RG: That's odd.

Me: Right?! That's why I decided to ask him about this.

RG: What did he say?

Me: That he liked it here more and that's why he came here.

RG: Nothing wrong with that.

Me: No and I would have believed him if not for the fact that I overheard him on the phone once.

RG: Izuku that is not the way you do something.

Me: I wasn't doing it on purpose! The walls in the dormitory are soo thin!

RG: What did you find out?

Me: He was talking on the phone with someone telling them he didn't made the same mistake here and that he was being careful that things won't repeat.

RG: Sounds sus.

Me: Oh you won't believe what I found out after that.

RG: Hm?

Me: After I heard that I went on my Pc and began looking for any information I could gather about France and the school.

RG: Did you find anything?

Me: Ii did. It was a news article about a guy that loved glamour and sparkles. They even went so far as to explain the guys quirk and I am pretty sure it was Aoyama.

RG: Let me guess that idiot blasted someone with his quirk on accident.

Me: Yep.

RG: I can't believe that! I will be asking the support course to make something in order to get his quirk under control like Mic.

Me: Did Mic also had problems with his quirk.

RG: That loud ass cockatoo still has some! He never knows when to talk normal or not shout for once! If I didn't know it better, I would say he is deaf!

Me: Sounds like a problem. How is Aizawa dealing with that?

RG: Why do you think he is always grumpy? He needs to use his quirk frequently on his own husband.

Me: I think I will be bringing him some black coffee first thing in the morning from not on.

RG: He needs that.

Me: Anyways after I found that out, I also found out that there were similar incidences in the past and that was the reason he was basically thrown out of France schools. He is not allowed to attend any in the whole country.


Me: Not only that but he also used to apparently carry a dozens of roses with him and throwing them at people randomly.

RG: A good task for Hound Dog. Oh he loves dealing with that kind of shit. Self-centered idiots are his specialty.

Me: You can say that again! His room is a literal mirror cabinet! He loves himself soo much. That's not even normal anymore. He also creeps me out.

RG: Why?

Me: I am sure he can even creep out Nezu!

RG: HAHAHA true he does do that sometimes.

Me: Like how does he always know where the cameras are. He always looks at them no matter what!

RG: I don't know. I don't want to see that kid inside here, ever! He creeps me out too and that is an accomplishment on its own.

After that RG started healing me and I soon feel asleep and slept through the whole day.

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