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How should I say this...?

This is only one way to face it:

I am back at the infirmary.

Back together with my wife!

Oh how I have missed her!

RG: What happened this time?

Me: Tsu.

RG: You mean Tsuyu?

Me: yeah.

RG: Dearie, you should just leave them alone and mind your own business.

Me: Wha- I didn't do that! The first time I was here was because of Mina and her stupid addiction. She even asked me to make her a stupid cucumber salad. The second time I got blasted from behind. How is that picking a fight?

RG: Hm-mh. What about the injuries before that?

Me: Hero training.

RG: You mean no self-preservation skills.

Me: ....... yes.

RG: So wanna explain why you are completely whet?

Me: We were swimming in the pool.

RG: In your uniform?

Me: Yes.

RG: Don't lie to me.

Me: I-

RG: Don't!

Me: Fine, Bakugo pushed me into the pool.

RG: Still doesn't explain your injuries.

Me: Tsu tried to help me by getting me out of the pool but somehow slipped and I tried to catch her since I was already about to get out but her tongue was still around my foot... She fell and pulled me with her.

RG: Luck is really not on your side.

Me: No.

RG: So you fell and hit your head?

Me: Pretty much it.

RG: So she tried to help you but instead pulled you with her and that's how you managed to hit your head and have a broken leg?

Me: Yep.

RG: Izuku, dearie, ... There is still more to the story.

Me: Yes. I used my quirk to get out of the pool quickly to catch her from falling and broke my leg in the process.

RG: *Sigh* You are so pure hearted.

Me: Soo.... Ahm.... Are you gonna heal me?

RG: Of course I will. It was an unfortunate accident. Again.

Me: ....



RG: Oh for god's sake, say something.

Me: I am way to embarrassed about how this all went by.

RG: So she fell on you too?

Me: Yes.

RG: Oh-hoho! You have a thing for her?

Me: No. She is not really my type besides she's weird.

RG: How come?

Me: You know how Midnight is weird, Tsu is weird on her own.

RG: Oh no one can be weirder than Midnight!

Me: I bet!

RG: I mean that women like everything cute and fluffy. Not as her appearance suggests, she doesn't really go for sexy or feminine things in her private life at all. everything is just an act.

Me: Wow. I never thought she would like that.

RG: You should see the all the plush toys she has. They are ginormous and there are soo many of them. She has a whole room filled with them in her house! After a rough work day, she would just go into that room and jump into the pile of plushy.

Me: That sound like fun.

RG: I can only imagine how much fun she would have. I also heard from Mic that they sometimes go to a park in the night and gather a couple of their private friends and play hide and seek in the dark.

Me: I never knew she had such a childish side to her.

RG: Right, no one knows that!

Me: Just curious, does Aizawa participate in these game as well?

RG: Not as far as I know but he is always there watching over them. Once time they went so far as to set a dumpster on fire and laughing at it like maniacs. They also were saying something like look the number 2 hero is here! I pity him sometimes. They really can be a pack of children together.

Me: Shish that sounds hard.

RG: It is. Just imagine managing some grown up children!

Me: Doesn't he do that for a job?

RG: Good point.

Me: Well you know how Tsuyu loves frogs and is against killing them for a school project even if it is biology?

RG: Yes.

Me: She apparently loves to eat them herself! I saw her eating a couple of frog legs. She was even the one cooking them herself in the dorm kitchen. That much to all frogs to heaven. She is a freaking cannibal.

RG: Oh my.

Me: Not only is she a cannibal but she also likes to eat flies. She would even chase after them like a frog. It's completely crazy.

RG: I can only imagine how chaotic the dorms are.

Me: Teachers' lounge shouldn't be any different from what I have heard.

RG: Good that I am not that often in the teachers' lounge. I am way too busy with you and the others but mainly you.

Me: I am sorry.

RG: Nah, it's okay. Your luck just ran out, dearie. How about you come tomorrow again and we just sit and talk for a change?

Me: Sound great!

Just like that our talk ended again and I went back to the remaining class.

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