Quirk control what's that?

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So here I was back again in the infirmary because I was not careful enough and ran into a wall with my quirk activated. What a great day it was. Aizawa thought it would be best to let RG check on me in case I got myself a concussion.

Me: I am back! Did you guys miss me?

RG: What did you do this time?

Me: I ran into a wall with OfA powered up.

RG: Dearie, why?

Me: It looked like fun!

RG: Oh really is me whacking some sense fun too?

Me: That was heavily laid with sarcasm. I didn't see the wall there. I was focused on avoiding Bakugo's attack while not getting touched by Uraraka.

RG: Oh I see.

Me: Aizawa send me in just in case I got myself a concussion.

RG: Let me have a look and sit on your wife. She enjoys physical contact the most after all.

Me: Hm.

RG then went on and checked me up and healed the small head injury I had in the process too.

RG: You look fine to me, dearie. Luck was on your side this time.

Me: If luck is running into a wall then yes.

RG: Oh dear.

Me: Anyways. I got some new fun facts.

RG: Ohh.

Me: You know Uraraka doesn't have the best control over her quirk.

RG: Hm?

Me: Well sometimes she would go flying out of her own window while she is sleeping because she uses her quirk and Aizawa always needs to bring her back in.

RG: That man doesn't get enough sleep to begin with.

Me: I know but that is the reason why he is patrolling the dorms around 3 a.m. and it is also the reason why Ochaco has these bracelets around her hands too. Her quirk tends to go wild from time to time.

RG: Well as long as things don't fly around the room, I guess it is alright then.

Me: Ohh no. If she gets angry and I mean very angry then her quirk gets out of control.

RG: Mineta?

Me: And flying knifes thrown after him. Though they wanted to send him flying towards the sun once.

RG: I understand that. He really deserves that.

Me: Totally.

RG: I can imagine you guys using her quirk for fun things too.

Me: Oh we did. Like flying carpet and also running around a super market having a floating card. Then there was this incident once where we got all thrown out of the bowling bar because all the ball was hovering above Mineta's head.

RG: Why do I feel like every incident is trying to kill Mineta or it was fun and Mina's or Dneki's idea?

Me: Cause it's fact.

RG: Ah.

Me: Anyways. What's going on with the teachers?

RG: Not much really. I told Lunch Rush over your biscuits and he got jealous telling me I need to give him the recipe for it.

Me: I got it from my mom and it's a family recipe so no can do.

RG: Anyways I also found out about All Might planning on dating again.

Me: Hahaha as if that would work.

RG: But the poor guy does deserve a woman.

Me: Just imagine him going to a date and puking some blood over the poor woman.

RG: I can see that happening.

Me: Not only that but he is coughing up a lot of blood and he looks like a walking skeleton. I doubt that anyone would want something like that.

RG: True. How pitiful he is.

Me: Yeah poor lonely guy.

After that little talk I went back to classes and managed to not hurt me again this day.

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